Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydrangea

Hi, I've been maining Renekton sience i was lvl 20. Raspberry pi 3 gameboy. I usually build him as an off tank and u can't say he doesn't fall off late game. He doesn't have as much damage as in early game and has a hard time killing in team fights. He kind of become a piace of meat to block the enemy carry for enough time for your team to get kills. So got down to work on a build that makes him still be very dangerous in late game. Here is the result.
Starting Items:
Armor Cloth/Null Magic Mantle + Health Potions
Core Items:
Brutalizer, Sunfire Cape, Boots of Speed. If agains ap top consider Hexdrinker as first item. If enemy team has high ad champions consider Thornmail instead of Sunfire Cape.
Normal Full Build
Mercury's Treads/Ninja Tabi, Sunfire Cape, BOTRK, Bloodthirsterer, Black Cleaver, Maw of Malmortius(if enemy has ap mid)/Randuins Omen(if too many enemy ad)
Mastering the E-W-Q-E combo is crucial regardless of the build you are useing. Useing this build Renekton will still be a powerhouse even in late game. It is a little bit more dangerous in lane becouse u have less resistence to ganks but if warded properly u can be relatively safe. Botrk is not only a great item to face tanks and offtanks but also very good to push towers, renekton pushes minions very fast and combined to botrk's AS u can take down a couple of towers very fast. U also can charge BT very fast and useing your ulti u will have around 3500 hp and good MR and Armor.
Pros:Can handle almost any champion top, Very good at pushing, Can easily take down enemy carry, Still quite durable, Can 1v1 anyone in late game.
Cons:Requires proper warding, Can't enter teamfight/initiate recklesly, Items cost a lot so u must farm well.

Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydra Full

I'll explain quickly. Titanic Hydra is a good item for AA based bruiser. The lack of lifesteal and raw AD on it makes it so this item is not interesting for melee carries like or which is a good thing. Overall, I like the item and I think that it is well thought. Still, I have 2 problems wi. Aug 12, 2013  Nasus makes this happen with his Q and W. A well farmed Nasus can have 300 on Q before 20 mins, and with a sheen, that's around 500 dmg. Against an 1000 ish hp opponeit. Since his Q can get more powerful withouth damage items, he can build as a full tank, and still be a threat. (other tanks have CC, and/or taunt).

Does Nasus Q Dmg Work With Titanic Hydra 2

Dec 10, 2012  hydra will provide the autoattack damage but not the damage of on next hit effects such as nasus Q, rengar Q, leona Q, etc. The on next hit damage will only be applied to the main target this i can confirm aswell. Titanic Hydra should cover more basic attack-focused Juggernauts with their own option while providing a decent stretch goal for other Juggernauts having a great game to shoot for. Quick note - VFX, audio, and icons are still work in progress. This thread is a great place to leave feedback if. Just like Garen, Renekton can easily do a combo AA + Titanic Hydra + AA + W with Fury in less than 0.5 seconds and the result is a HUGE HUGE amount of burst damages. On a squishy target, in lategame, I did this combo and I inflicted 1000+ damages on my target (it was a Support). This is absolutely stupid. Nasus - Damage only build! 4000+ Damage on Q! Nasus build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Nasus Strategy Builds and Tools.