1. Gw2 How Do Dmg Reductions Stack Mean
  2. Gw2 How Do Dmg Reductions Stack Mean

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  2. GW2 Damage Reduction - Additive or multiplicative? Question While I was getting hyped for Scrapper, the quest as to whether DR was additive or multiplicative came up.
in WvW

I want to test this on my power necro, has enough tried this in WvW is it effective to mitigate damage?

Curious to try myself


  • They dont stack, first it is calculated the 7% damage reducer then the 10% is calculated on the already reduced damage from the 7%.

    Damage reducers dont stack.

    Sorry if soundded a bit confuse :X Convert c program into dmg file.

  • @Aeolus.3615 said:
    They dont stack, first it is calculated the 7% damage reducer then the 10% is calculated on the already reduced damage from the 7%.

    Damage reducers dont stack.

    Sorry if soundded a bit confuse :X

    All that means is the damage is reduced by 16.3% instead of 17%. Still pretty substantial.

  • edited March 21, 2018

    They do stack, but they stack multiplicatively.

    So for 10% food and 7% runes you'd have..

    Original Damage * 0.9 * 0.93 = how much you get hit for.

    In this case you get 16.3% damage mitigation rather than the full 17%.

    If you also had protection you'd get ~43.9% mitigation rather than the 50% you might expect if you simply added the values.

    As you get more %reduction, further bonuses have less of an effect.

  • @aarias.4016 said:
    They do stack, but they stack multiplicatively.

    So for 10% food and 7% runes you'd have..

    Original Damage * 0.9 * 0.93 = how much you get hit for.

    In this case you get 16.3% damage mitigation rather than the full 17%.

    If you also had protection you'd get ~43.9% mitigation rather than the 50% you might expect if you simply added the values.

    As you get more %reduction, further bonuses have less of an effect.

    Out of curiosity, if you add great dwarf elite ontop of that how much dmg reduction would u end up with then?

  • edited March 21, 2018

    The calculation (using 100 damage as the example) is..

    100 damage * 0.5 * 0.67 * 0.9 * 0.93 = 28.0395 damage

    28 - 100 = 72..so ~72% damage mitigation total.

    If you simply added them all together you'd get 100%, which is incorrect.

  • edited March 21, 2018

    @aarias.4016 said:
    They do stack, but they stack multiplicatively.

    So for 10% food and 7% runes you'd have..

    Original Damage * 0.9 * 0.93 = how much you get hit for.

    In this case you get 16.3% damage mitigation rather than the full 17%.

    If you also had protection you'd get ~43.9% mitigation rather than the 50% you might expect if you simply added the values.

    As you get more %reduction, further bonuses have less of an effect.

    You mean with Protection you'd get +~43.9% along with 16.3, OR you mean 43.9% is the total including Protection and reduction bonus?

  • @Tzozef.9841 said:

    @aarias.4016 said:
    They do stack, but they stack multiplicatively.

    So for 10% food and 7% runes you'd have..

    Original Damage * 0.9 * 0.93 = how much you get hit for.

    In this case you get 16.3% damage mitigation rather than the full 17%.

    If you also had protection you'd get ~43.9% mitigation rather than the 50% you might expect if you simply added the values.

    As you get more %reduction, further bonuses have less of an effect.

    You mean with Protection you'd get +~43.9% along with 16.3, OR you mean 43.9% is the total including Protection and reduction bonus?

    You'd get 43.9% total mitigation if you had protection, 10% damage reduction food, and runes of the scrapper.

  • Not Even Coverage is the Only broken thing in WVW.

  • Nothing will stop people dying in less than one second. The game is just a mess these days.

    Thief OP? Better nerf Scourge .. again.
    Hashtag BlameMcLain

  • @Sovereign.1093 said:
    this mitigation only applies to power =/

    Yeah, it'd be nice if the game had more passive effects to reduce condition damage across the board. The non corruptible kind.

    ~ Kovu

  • lag usually is the killer if one's comp cant handle the zerg - good internet helps and system. but not all has that.

    other than this

    1. in a bad position - straglers
    2. fighting pros
    3. got bombed by the zerg
    4. to much reliance on auto run
    5. no cleanse stun break
    6. non synergizing gear
    7. lacking pk experience

    amendable and curable by practice and gear adjustment. choose your battles

    Not Even Coverage is the Only broken thing in WVW.

  • @Kovu.7560 said:

    @Sovereign.1093 said:
    this mitigation only applies to power =/

    Yeah, it'd be nice if the game had more passive effects to reduce condition damage across the board. The non corruptible kind.

    ~ Kovu

    hoelbrak is still good, combined with either lemon grass or saffron.

    but not many use it. it's really good and cheap.

    Not Even Coverage is the Only broken thing in WVW.

  • Dmg Reduction was Meta a long time ago. Shortly after HoT launched. It was possible back then to reduce the dmg you take to 0.
    (prove pics of this is on my other pc)

    This was so op that anet changed some skills and how they interact.

    10% From Food
    10% From Frost Aura
    40% From Protection (ele)
    10% From Geomancer's Defense
    7% From Superior Rune of the Scrapper
    50% From Rite of the Great Dwarf

    • Toughness
    • Weakness Spam

    combined with old Diamond Skin.

    Man this was funny running with d/d tempest into zergs and never die.

  • @Lehrling.1472 said:
    Dmg Reduction was Meta a long time ago. Shortly after HoT launched. It was possible back then to reduce the dmg you take to 0.
    (prove pics of this is on my other pc)

    This was so op that anet changed some skills and how they interact.

    10% From Food
    10% From Frost Aura
    40% From Protection (ele)
    10% From Geomancer's Defense
    7% From Superior Rune of the Scrapper
    50% From Rite of the Great Dwarf

    • Toughness
    • Weakness Spam

    combined with old Diamond Skin.

    Man this was funny running with d/d tempest into zergs and never die.

    You mean this?

  • The problem originated from a bug where Rite of the Great Dwarf stacked additively, according to the wiki this was fixed on May 3, 2016. So all you needed was 50% reduction from other sources and you could be basically immune to physical damage. Since HoT added Resistance and more sources of boon duration you could basically have permanent immunity to all damage types and CC unless the enemy group could co-ordinate boon rip.

  • I have some on screen shots of spvp 2 years ago when hot was new. My vaults were doing 8 crit hits on some tempests

  • Don’t forget that toughness is another part of the damage equation separate to these damage reduction modifiers so a little armour on top of this will go a long way.

  • @Sovereign.1093 said:
    this mitigation only applies to power =/

    Yes.. I really wish it applied to both types of dmg tbh.
    Maybe it would actually make the condi spam we have right now manageable..

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  • 1Subtractive damage reduction
  • 2Percentage damage reduction

Gw2 How Do Dmg Reductions Stack Mean

Damage reduction or damage mitigation refers to any of three methods of reducing incoming or outgoing damage.
  • Subtractive(or Absorption) reduces or prevents damage by a fixed amount.
  • Percentage(or Fixed Fraction) reduces damage by a percentage of the total incoming damage.
  • Threshold(or Damage Cappers) prevents the damage from exceeding a percentage of a certain threshold, almost always the target's health.

Subtractive damage reduction[edit]

Subtractive damage reduction, also known as absorption, reduces or prevents damage by a fixed amount.

Subtractive damage reduction against all damage[edit]

Gw2 How Do Dmg Reductions Stack Mean

The following provide damage reduction against all damage:

  • Skills
    • Binding rituals
    • Enchantment spells
      • Life Sheath (elite): only the next source of damage
      • Mark of Protection (elite): also heals the target for health equal to the amount which damage is reduced by
      • Reversal of Damage: only the next source of damage
      • Reversal of Fortune: only the next source of damage, also heals the target for health equal to the amount which damage is reduced by
      • Reverse Hex: only the next source of damage
      • Armor of Unfeeling (PvP): only while activating a Binding Ritual
      • Armor of Sanctity: only from foes suffering from conditions
      • Intimidating Aura: only from foes with less health than you
    • Shouts
      • Call of Protection: only affects your animal companions
    • Stances
    • Skills
      • Defy Pain (elite)
  • Other effects
    • Armor of Salvation (item effect): generated by using Armor of Salvation
    • Lightbringertitle effect: only against demonic servants of Abaddon
    • Phase Shield (effect): generated by activating Phase Shield (monster skill)
    • Shielding Urn: generated by dropping a Shielding Urn
    • Shield of Saint Viktor: generated by dropping a Urn of Saint Viktor
    • Shield of Saint Viktor: generated by Celestial Summoning

Subtractive attack damage reduction[edit]

See also: Skills that prevent critical hits
  • Skills
    • Attack skills
      • Distracting Blow: your attack does not deal damage
      • Distracting Strike: your attack does not deal damage
    • Enchantment spells
      • Life Bond: redirects half of damage against target ally to the monk, redirected damage is then reduced
    • Flash enchantment spells
      • Grenth's Aura: on self, convert damage into life stealing.
    • Hex spells
      • Calculated Risk: 50% chance to reduce incoming damage to 0, 50% to increase it by 10 instead.
      • Siphon Strength (elite)
    • Skills
      • Spiritleech Aura: on your spirits, convert damage into life stealing.
    • Stances
      • Balanced Stance: extra damage from critical hits only
    • Weapon spells
      • Nightmare Weapon: on target's 3 next attacks, convert damage into life stealing.

Subtractive damage reduction against physical damage[edit]

The following reduce all incoming physical damage:

  • Runes of Absorption: -1 (minor), -2 (major), -3 (superior); these do not stack.
  • Inscriptions for Shields and focus items:
    • 'Run for your Life!': -1..2 while in a stance
    • 'Sheltered by Faith!': -1..2 while under the effects of an enchantment
    • 'Nothing to Fear': -1..3 while Hexed
    • 'Luck of the Draw': -5 (11..20% chance)
  • Knight's Insignia: -3 (local protection only, i.e. to the specific area protected by the armor to which it is applied)

Percentage damage reduction[edit]

Percentage damage reduction, also known as fixed fraction, lowers damage by a fixed fraction of the original damage; it stacks multiplicatively.

  • Skills
    • Enchantment spells
      • Aura of Faith (elite)
      • Life Barrier (elite)
      • Mist Form (elite)
      • Veil of Thorns: only spell damage
    • Shouts
      • 'They're on Fire!': only against damage from burning foes
    • Stances
      • Mantra of Earth: only earth damage
      • Mantra of Flame: only fire damage
      • Mantra of Frost: only cold damage
      • Mantra of Lightning: only lightning damage
    • Skills
      • Ether Prism (elite)
      • Armor of Unfeeling: only affects your spirits within earshot
  • Other
    • Stone Spores (environment effect)

Percentage attack damage reduction[edit]

  • Skills
    • Attack skills
      • Dual Shot: from self
      • Triple Shot: from self
      • Lyssa's Assault: from self
      • Twin Moon Sweep (PvP): from self
    • Enchantment spells
      • Life Attunement: from allies
    • Stances
      • Flurry: from self
  • Conditions

Threshold damage reduction[edit]

Threshold damage reduction, also known as damage cappers, prevent all damage above a certain threshold (generally a percentage of the target's maximum health), while having no effect on damage below that threshold.

Gw2 how do dmg reductions stack test
  • Skills
    • Binding Rituals
    • Enchantment spells
      • Protective Bond: only attacks or spells
      • Shadow Form (elite): if your damage packet is too high
    • Item spells
      • Defiant Was Xinrae (elite)
    • Weapon spells
      • Xinrae's Weapon (elite)

See also[edit]

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