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Okay so im 17 hours into the game. I just got to level 12 and i am a theif/acrobat like character. So i just finished the arena quest line and i leveld like 5 levels because i kept sleeping after every fight. So. no i just did a quest and i kept getting murdered by common enemies and it takes like 10 minutes and 20 potions just to kill one enemy.. What do i do now? Lower the difficulty? That seems kind of cheap.. =( i really dont want to do that. But seriously..wtf. I thought im supposed to get stronger as i level but im just getting weaker.

Feb 18, 2007  But since Oblivion is moronic, the same enemy you struggled with at lvl 5 will now be an unstoppable killing machine. You can use the regular skill gains with OOO too (option in data files. Bows deal pathetic damage and melee gets hit too much - blocking isn't as effective. Right now I'm trying OOO+MMM and this Difficulty Slider mod that lets you set enemies to deal 30x damage to you and you deal 1/30 damage to them. For comparison, the vanilla difficulty slider at 100% is 6x enemy dmg and 1/6 damage to enemies. I've leveled to 100 in destruction magic, and I can say without hesitation that I was massively disappointed with the magic in skyrim. Magic doesn't seem to level with your character, so once useful spells become completely worthless by the end, and more powerful enemies will always take at least half a dozen attacks, even on the easiest difficulty. Jun 09, 2017  In general if you encounter too powerful enemies just go back and try again when you’re more powerful. Oscuros Oblivion Overhaul FULL, OOO. Require too much.

Sep 22, 2015 I use OOO and MOO together, works out great. Much prefer it over FCOM at this point, not only is installation far easier but in my case the result is far more stable, and I haven't particularly felt the loss of anything from the rest of FC.M. FCOM is a great compatibility achievement and an impressive project, it's just too much frustration for me. Although it may be tempting to create the most powerful spell possible, it is a much better idea to create ones with lesser costs. This way, you can cast it much more frequently, you are less likely to 'overkill' a target and it allows you to split the damage among several enemies should the situation allow. Dec 25, 2014  The Clannfear is one of the best general use summons. It has low HP, but has high damage output. It also has reflect damage and stays out for a long time which is what makes it so good to use. The Daedroth and Frost Atronach are good versus stronger enemies because of their HP, but they have a high casting cost.

Install_flash_player _12_ osx.dmg

I'm having a bit of a problem with my first Oblivion Gate( I'm using OOO and MMM ).
I'm around level 23, and have entered the Kvatch Oblivion Gate. Outside the towers, the amounts of enemies ( 2-3 at most )were doable but here I ran into my first problem: Almost all were Xivilai! When I directly entered the gate I encountered a Daedroth and some hounds as well, but except that it was 95% Xivilai and a couple of Lesser Balrogs ( whom I can't, by the way, defeat except with cheesing. Is there some kind of tactic for them? ) and one lone Dremora Scout.
I thought MMM would make a lot of different creatures spawn, so am I having some kind of bug or is this normal?
Well, soon after I entered my first tower and it became rediculous. In the first room where 3 Xivilai and 2 Dremora Valkynaz armed with Daedric weapons ( I'm still at glass weapons and Dwemer Armor..). After a great amount of time and reloading I finally managed to defeat these enemies. Then I entered the next room, dispatched ( in the first area ) 1 Dremora Valkynaz, and boldly entered the next area of the room and I was promptly greeted by 5 [censored] Dremora Valkynaz, in one small room! This is when I quit and decided to ask for help here.
Is this normal? Is everybody some kind of God to be able to deal with that large amount of better equipped and stronger enemies? So far, I haven't had any complaints about OOO and MMM difficulty but this is breaking me down.
Maybe it's a bug or incompatibility or some such?
In that case, here is my load order:
Mart's Monster Mod.esm
Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esm
Kvatch Rebuilt.esm
Open Cities Resources.esm
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp
Atmospheric Loading Screens - Original Text.esp
Book Jackets Oblivion.esp
Spell Delete And Item Remove.esp
Living Economy.esp
Living Economy - Items.esp
Mart's Monster Mod for OOO.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Additional Enemy NPC Vars.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Gems & Gem Dust.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Looting NPCs & Creatures.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - More Wilderness Life.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse WaterLife.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Slof Horses Complete.esp
Mart's Monster Mod - Diverse Runeskulls Loot G&GD.esp
Artefacts of the Ancestors.esp
Kvatch Rebuilt.esp
Kvatch Rebuilt - OOO Compatibility.esp

Oblivion Ooo Enemies Too Much Dmg Free

The Lost Spires.esp
Mighty Umbra.esp

Oblivion Ooo Enemies Too Much Dmg 2

Open Cities New Sheoth.esp
Open Cities Outer Districts.esp
Open Cities Full.esp
OCC-Lost Spires-Patch.esp
Harvest [Flora].esp
Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp
Quest Award Leveling SI.esp
Quest Award Leveller.esp
OC+Midas Magic Patch.esp

Oblivion Ooo Enemies Too Much Dmg 2

Enhanced Mercantile Progress.esp

Oblivion Ooo Enemies Too Much Dmg Lyrics

Streamline 3.1.esp
100% Harvest Chance.esp

Oblivion Ooo Enemies Too Much Dmg 1

100% Harvest Chance Shivering Isles.esp

Oblivion Ooo Enemies Too Much Dmg Youtube