Does anyone know how to fix this issue? I'm very rarely seeing numbers for Envenom, Scourge Strike, Obliterate (dual-wield) and Frost Strike (dual-wield), especially for the main hand attack. A GM once told me it had something to do with the game not being able to display more than a certain number of damage-related events at a time, but right now this issue presents itself even when barely anything else is going on.
I realise I could get an addon like MSBT, but I'd very much like to be able to always see these numbers addon-free.
you should have dmg and crit numbers and after 100 make a paragon like lvlin system
Posted by
on Sep 13, 2015, 9:55:00 AM
You should have taken more time for writing because no one understands what you want and after that is done make a testreading.
What was your favorite subject?
'P.E, I liked going to my limits'
'Music, it touches my soul'
'Biology, cause animals'
'Maths' 'So you wanted to be a scientist?' 'No, I want to calculate DPS in a doubledip setup with various uniques changing game mechanics and survivability in a 8 mod map.'
Posted by
on Sep 13, 2015, 1:28:38 PM
You should have taken more time for writing because no one understands what you want and after that is done make a testreading.

Posted by
on Sep 13, 2015, 1:44:54 PM
I think he means like D3 where dmg values pop up over character/enemy heads all the time (insane amount of visual polution, not my thing, but as an OPTION some people could like it). PoE could certainly have a dmg log for incoming dmg, specially when you die, I like to know what/how I died.
Paragon style is certainly a D3 thing. PoE could have a better challenges/achievements system IMO, theres little/no incentive to completing those, they should reward with little IIQ/IIR bonuses. For example when completing the 'Maraketh Steel' players gets account wide +1 to IIR, when completing the 'kill these unique bosses' player gets account wide +3 IIR bonus.
Also theres no reason for PoE to halt character progression upon level 100 and beyond, just make xp progression so slow that even full time players would take 1-2 months for each level, this way people who aim to be highest level will always have something to look forward to (I say they're crazy but let them be).
'It is a cruel joke that man was born with more intent than Life.'
Last edited by ramosmichel on Sep 13, 2015, 2:31:25 PM
Posted by
on Sep 13, 2015, 2:27:57 PM
Well maybe you should just play D3 where that stuff is already at!
First off those damage numbers have to be turned off any damn way now in D3 because they just cause even more lag than it already has if you play/play with any class that has DOTs!
Second off the Paragon System in D3 is already problematic and broken as hell in D3 and needs to be addressed and you want that same broken system in POE too?
What so everyone will NEVER play solo and group only because its the only efficient way to grab these Paragon lvls just like in D3? No TY! This game has PLENTY of its own issues so it sure has hell doesnt need any of D3s issues to go with them!
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Last edited by Demonoz on Sep 13, 2015, 2:38:43 PM
Posted by
on Sep 13, 2015, 2:33:42 PM
Paragon is in many ways a genious system though - and what it does is something poe doesn't do as well either.
It gives you small goals to chase, small steps of completion that feel meaningful when the regular character completion is at or near it's end. Kinda similar to how lvling gems in poe makes you blaze through levels with time flying away, because you are constantly dinging some gem or waiting for one to ding, etc. Most of you may have forgotten or never noticed that, but it was one of the big things i noticed when i first played poe, and i remember it making me sit up all night thinking. ow well ill just ding the next one!
You can say that poe has the last 10 levels, which is true, but as most of the population will tell you - they do not feel meaningful enough to get - they don't feel in reach. You can also claim that it doesn't really matter that you have goals to chase - but endgame lasts only as long as you have attainable goals to chase, maybe a few percent of players do things differently, but in general that's just how it is.
Check out my 'No Flashy ItemFilter' on account page, if you want a quality, simple, rich-colored filter that does not look like a rainbow took a dump all over your screen.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster on Sep 13, 2015, 2:44:56 PM
Posted by
on Sep 13, 2015, 2:44:00 PM
Paragon is in many ways a genious system though - and what it does is something poe doesn't do as well either.
It gives you small goals to chase, small steps of completion that feel meaningful when the regular character completion is at or near it's end. Kinda similar to how lvling gems in poe makes you blaze through levels with time flying away, because you are constantly dinging some gem or waiting for one to ding, etc. Most of you may have forgotten or never noticed that, but it was one of the big things i noticed when i first played poe, and i remember it making me sit up all night thinking. ow well ill just ding the next one!
You can say that poe has the last 10 levels, which is true, but as most of the population will tell you - they do not feel meaningful enough to get - they don't feel in reach. You can also claim that it doesn't really matter that you have goals to chase - but endgame lasts only as long as you have attainable goals to chase, maybe a few percent of players do things differently, but in general that's just how it is.

Oh i certainly cant disagree with you and what your saying one bit. Like i said POE has its fair share of issues and things they need to do to keep playing your builds longer for sure. And lvling to 100 itself is one of them. Basically you will come to a crossroads on every build in POE.. Do i want to continue once i hit about 90 and go into the heavy and even sometimes frustrating investment as well as boring things ill have to do in order to even have a chance at lvl 100? Or just lvl to 90ish and Reroll every week or so? And you can only run so many of the same ol maps before it does end up getting boring for sure. Just like you can only make so many builds and lvl through the game 3 times before that also becomes boring.
But on the other hand the Paragon System in D3 sure it gives you something to go for but at the end of the day these games are all about efficiency and if they were to add that to this game it will turn out to be the same problem it is in D3. You will find yourself ONLY grinding in groups constantly for those paragon lvls because they will be a source of power and the more of them you have the bigger the advantage. And again like i said they are starting to show they are a big problem that needs to be addressed or reworked as it is in D3 because now they are getting out of control and they are also the Primary reason BOTs have become a huge issue in that game and it will be much of the same if something similar is added to this game! Because grinding those paragon become boring as hell yet necessary so people will take the easiest road to aquire them which is to BOT!
Like i said POE already has enough issues GGG needs to address all its own so we dont need any of Blizzards issues that they already are needing to address within that game over here for GGG to also end up needing to address along with all the other issues something like that system will bring.. The same issues it has brought to D3! I think i would much rather see GGG bring something different to the table to address its own problems and make POE better and i think that will be alot easier for GGG if they are only having to worry with its own problems and not adding something that WILL become a problem just like the game it come from for even more work for them.
And again just for the record if you do like that system D3 has i want to clarify.. You DO NOT have to stick to ONLY POE all the time. You guys are more than welcome to go play D3 for a while and then come back and play POE for a while. Your not gonna get in trouble and GGG or Blizz isnt gonna kick you out of their games just because you play the other. Theres no reason why you cant enjoy the good things each game brings to their tables. I play both games and they both have their time and place to be enjoyed. And it keeps you fresh for both game when you take a break from one for while to play the other. You will actually find you come back to appreciate the things each game does well over the other. or at least i do. I know some are dead set that one is better than the other and that the other is trash but thats not the way it has to be. You CAN enjoy what both games have to offer guilt free!
In fact after going back to D3 for a little while to enjoy this new patch which IMO was pretty good. I just happend to noticed ALOT of the same names playing that game ive seen in POE so i KNOW im not the only one who enjoys both games. And again theres absolutely NOTHING wrong with that either!
There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Last edited by Demonoz on Sep 13, 2015, 3:16:26 PM
Posted by
on Sep 13, 2015, 2:59:53 PM
I can't disagree with you either, and i didn't mean for poe to port paragon right into it. Paragon has its own problems like adding too much linear power leading to botting + blizzard not doing anything against bots.
I do play both games though, since i love arpgs. D3 is like that casual game you can farm full gear in a week, and if you really feel a patch or character you can endure it maybe 1-2 months to max it out. However in the end.. it leaves you craving characterization, items, cooler graphics on items and simply flavor. D3 however is a game that has aged fairly well(once you let go of your idea that it should be the upgrade to d2), as a sidegame every few months it works.
Whereas poe is the opposite, the hardcore farmer game. But PoE doesn't get it right either, here things are too starvation mode(although i haven't played much since the supposed boost so maybe its somewhat improved), and after feeling frustrated with poes systems of draining and demoralizing the player you eventually crave a game where you can get just let go. which eventually leads you back to diablo, or grim dawn, or maybe some other game where the fun isn't hidden behind 2k hours farming for a couple of items just to try a well crafted end-build.
So since both D3 and PoE doesn't get it right but are too extreme in both ends of the spectrum, there is a balance between the two, where one gives rise the other for a time. Symbiosis.
Check out my 'No Flashy ItemFilter' on account page, if you want a quality, simple, rich-colored filter that does not look like a rainbow took a dump all over your screen.
I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.
Last edited by Crackmonster on Sep 13, 2015, 6:38:00 PM
Posted by
on Sep 13, 2015, 6:31:03 PM

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Show Dmg Numbers In Poe 2017

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Best dmg and accuracy gun in last man standing mandy. A very underrated aspect of shotgunning is being able to draw your shotty quick. But if I were to choose the best shotgun it would be aggressive frames, specifically the mindbenders ambition.Idk if its just me, but ever since that shotgun range nerf, aggressive frames seem to one shot more consistently even without the three range perks.At the same time, mindbender's can get quickdraw.