1. Arch Linux Install Dmg File Linux Command
  2. Install Arch Linux Without Internet
  3. Arch Linux Download
  4. Install Arch Linux Guide
  5. Arch Linux Install Dmg Files
  6. Arch Linux Install Dmg File Player

This is a general guide for installing the official Old School RuneScape client on Linux operating systems; This guide will not cater to every set-up possible, but hopefully will.

Arch Linux Install Dmg File
  • This is a general guide for installing the official Old School RuneScape client on Linux operating systems
  • This guide will not cater to every set-up possible, but hopefully will help as a base for adaptation to other set-ups
  • This guide currently expects BASH and a desktop environment compliant with the XDG Desktop Entry specification
  • These notes are currently taken and adapted from a personal wiki page[1], in hopes of it being useful to others, and without warranty or guarantee, so use at your own risk
  • 2Dependencies
    • 2.1Information
    • 2.2Specific-distributions
  • 3Installation
    • 3.4Install JAR File
      • 3.4.2macOS Client Method
        • Files
      • 3.4.3JAR Method
  • 4Desktop Launcher
    • 4.2Desktop Launcher
      • 4.2.2Desktop Launcher Contents
  • 5Quick Commands

Mar 03, 2017 But, now the Arch Linux developers have dropped 32-bit support. Starting from Arch Linux 2017.03.01 version, the computers with 64-bit processor can only support Arch Linux. This guide provides the step by step installation guidelines to install latest Arch Linux 2017.03.01 version. Step 1: Download latest Arch Linux version and boot your system. Sorry to answer now. There is a problem with unprintable characters in Sublime Text. Tested with version 3.0.1, it seems to work property. I can see there is an other problem when writing file '/tmp/dmg2dir/Sublime Text 2.0.2.img'.

Snap Package[editedit source]

On systems that support Snaps (such as Ubuntu), you can install an unofficial Snap of Old School RuneScape from Snapcraft:

Damage is impairment or destruction that a creature, Planeswalker, or Player may suffer from a certain source. Damage dealt to creatures is removed from the creature at the end of each turn, unless the total damage dealt to that creature over the course of the turn equals or exceeds its toughness, which causes the creature to be destroyed and put into the graveyard unless another effect. Do damaged creatures do less dmg keyforge 1.

  • Source code, more information, and issues directly related to the packaging of this Snap should be directed towards the GitHub page
  • This Snap is provided as-is, and is not provided by Jagex
  • If Snap is not installed on your system, you can find installation instructions for various distributions here
  • If you do not wish to use the Snap package, or wish to run Old School RuneScape with Java directly, skip this and continue with the instructions below instead

Dependencies[editedit source]

Information[editedit source]

Java[editedit source]

  • Old School RuneScape currently requires a Java runtime to execute
  • The two most popular options are OpenJDK, and Oracle's version of Java
  • Most distributions will have a version of OpenJDK in their default repositories
  • Some distributions may come with a version of OpenJDK installed, but it is important to make sure a non-headless version is installed
  • If your distribution offers JRE and JDK versions of OpenJDK, JRE is preferred, but if it isn't provided explicitly, JDK will also work fine
  • Use your distribution's package manager to install a version of OpenJDK
  • OpenJDK versions 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 were tested and confirmed working

Arch Linux Install Dmg File Linux Command

7z[editedit source]

  • 7z is being used in order to extract the necessary files from the .dmg installer provided by Jagex
  • The .dmg installer is being used in order to workaround a minor issue with the copyright footer not disappearing upon successful log-in
  • This package is not a hard requirement

wmctrl[editedit source]

  • wmctrl can be used to change the state of the Old School RuneScape window, allowing for a toggle between windowed and fullscreen states
  • This package is optional

Other packages[editedit source]

  • notify-send is used in the Desktop Launcher to send notifications when manually updating the client, and is optional
  • wget is used to download files, and while useful to have, can be substituted for aria2, or any other preferred command-line download tool. It's not included in all distributions (ie. Arch)

Specific-distributions[editedit source]

Ubuntu and Debian[editedit source]

Fedora[editedit source]

openSUSE[editedit source]

Arch Linux[editedit source]


Set Default Java[editedit source]

  • This allows you to set and/or confirm the default Java executable being used system-wide
  • Some distros automatically set the non-headless version of Java as-default upon installing the package

Installation[editedit source]

Information[editedit source]

  • The following commands install Old School RuneScape to ~/runescape/oldschool

Clean-up[editedit source]

  • This is ran to potentially clean-up an older attempt to install Old School RuneScape
  • If this is a first-time installation, this command does not need to be ran, but it also won't hurt anything if it's ran at this point during the installation either

Create Directories[editedit source]

  • This creates the main ~/runescape/oldschool directory, along with a temporary /tmp/oldschool folder to download and extract the initial installation files

Install JAR File[editedit source]

Information[editedit source]

  • There are two methods to proceed
  • The first method includes extracting jagexappletviewer.jar from the macOS client OldSchool.dmg file, allowing the best desktop integration across all operating systems, and the hiding of the copyright-footer regardless of Java version
  • The second method includes downloading jagexappletviewer.jar as-is and potentially having the copyright footer being shown at all times
  • The first method requires 7z as an extra dependency
  • The second method has no additional dependencies

macOS Client Method[editedit source]

  • This is the first method involving the macOS installer
  • Either continue on with this method, or go further down the page if you wish to go with the second method involving the direct JAR file
Download Image[editedit source]
  • This downloads OldSchool.dmg to the /tmp/oldschool directory
Extract Files[editedit source]
OldSchool.dmg[editedit source]
  • This extracts the files from OldSchool.dmg into the /tmp/oldschool/OldSchool-dmg folder
Install JAR[editedit source]
  • This copies jagexappletviewer.jar from the /tmp/oldschool/OldSchool-dmg folder into the ~/runescape/oldschool folder
Install Icon[editedit source]
  • This copies OSRS.icns from the /tmp/oldschool/OldSchool-dmg folder into the ~/runescape/oldschool folder
Clean-up[editedit source]
  • Removes the temporary /tmp/oldschool folder

JAR Method[editedit source]

  • This is the second method involving the direct JAR file
  • Either continue on with this method, or return back up the page if you wish to go with the first method involving the macOS client
Download and Install JAR[editedit source]
  • This downloads jagexappletviewer.jar to the ~/runescape/oldschool directory
Install Icon[editedit source]
  • This downloads a 512x512 icon into the ~/runescape/oldschool folder
  • This icon currently comes from the Old School RuneScape Mobile page on Google Play Store
  • The icon can be substituted for another image, but must be named jagexappletviewer.png

One-liner[editedit source]

  • Performs the macOS client download, extraction of jagexappletviewer.jar and OSRS.icns, and clean-up of temporary files
  • Provided for convenience

Desktop Launcher[editedit source]

Install Arch Linux Without Internet

Create Launcher Directory[editedit source]

  • This creates the ~/.local/share/applications folder if it doesn't exist

Desktop Launcher[editedit source]

Edit Launcher File[editedit source]

  • This opens a text editor to edit the Old School RuneScape.desktop file that will be created upon saving
  • nano can be replaced with your preferred text editor

Desktop Launcher Contents[editedit source]

Information[editedit source]
  • Read this section carefully
  • You can edit some of the text contents below, but otherwise, you can copy and paste it as-is if you're happy with the defaults and meet all file requirements mentioned
  • Do not change any text labelled CHANGEME, as this is handled later with another command
  • The following desktop launcher contents expects the following:
  • Expects /usr/bin/java to link to your default, non-headless Java runtime executable
  • Expects /usr/bin/wmctrl to exist to allow toggling windowed and fullscreen states
  • Expects /bin/bash to exist for running a series of commands to perform maintenance of the client
  • Expects cp, rm, 7z, notify-send, and sync to exist in PATH with BASH
  • This also assumes your Linux distribution uses ideal, default Java flags for memory allocation and garbage collection
  • Hardware-acceleration can be enabled by changing the -Dsun.java2d.opengl flag from false to true[2]
  • UI scaling is possible with the -Dsun.java2d.uiScale flag, and can be set to a value of 2 or higher to increase the UI size
Contents[editedit source]
Set Launcher's User[editedit source]
  • This changes all instances of CHANGEME in Old School RuneScape.desktop with sed to the user account being used to run the command

Troubleshooting[editedit source]

  • If the launcher doesn't appear in your app launcher immediately, try reloading your shell, logging out and then back in, or rebooting the system
  • If the launcher still doesn't appear, one or more executable files may be missing, or there is a syntax error
  • If one or more audio channels in-game are not working (missing music or in-game sound effects), try using an older version of Java

Quick Commands[editedit source]

Information[editedit source]

Arch Linux Download

  • Various commands for trying out different combination of command flags and diagnostics
  • Assumes Old School RuneScape is installed with the above set-up

Main Folder[editedit source]

  • Opens the main game folder with your default file explorer
  • If gio open doesn't work, xdg-open may work

Execute[editedit source]

  • Base execution command with minimal Java flags

Additional Java Flags[editedit source]

Install Arch Linux Guide

  • All of these flags can have different settings

Default Java Flags[editedit source]

  • This command will show the Java flags set by-default

Other Java Flags[editedit source]

Arch Linux Install Dmg Files

  • May be useful for fixing errors related to Java
  1. RoE Wiki
  2. This is known to potentially have rendering issues with Intel graphics

Arch Linux Install Dmg File Player

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