1 g gravity
  1. Rinse with warm salt water after meals and before bedtime to help heal broken areas, ulcers or sores in your mouth. To boost the immune system, it is recommended those with active cancer or HIV take 750mg – 1000mg of DMG daily, sublingually (under the tongue), in between meals for 6 to 8 weeks.
  2. Nov 18, 2019  A free tool called dmg2iso will convert the DMG image file to an ISO image file, which is much more usable in Windows. If you need to mount a DMG file in Windows, but don't want to convert it to ISO first, a few programs do support this, like WinCDEmu, Virtual CloneDrive.


Dimethylglycine (DMG) is a versatile, health-building, anti-aging and healing nutrient derived from the amino acid Glycine. It is very important for optimal health and is produced by all animals and humans in small amounts. Our bodies use DMG every moment of every day to affect nearly every metabolic pathway in the body. It’s a building block for the synthesis of methionine, choline, important hormones, neurotransmitters and DNA. Dimethylglycine is found in certain foods such as beans, pumpkin seeds and liver; however, nearly everyone can benefit from supplementing their diet with higher levels of DMG.

Feel Young Again, Age Gracefully

Dimethylglycine is known as one of the most effective anti-aging nutrient in the world. DMG helps you to feel young, vital, healthy and strong well into old age. It boosts strength, endurance and stamina by dramatically improving the nutritional environment of the cells. This in turn causes the tissues and organs of the body to function more efficiently and with more youthful vitality, no matter how old you are.


Aging decreases immunity, but dimethylglycine helps enhance immunity to slow the aging process. DMG helps us to age more gracefully. As we get older, free radicals and stress damage one’s ability to maintain immune system function, memory and physical ability. DMG helps us cope with stress, increases tolerance to physical activity and helps us fight fatigue as well as improving stamina, sexual function, athletic ability and mental acuity.

Using the convention that 1 kiloton TNT equivalent = 4.184×10 12 joules (or one trillion calories of energy), one gram of antimatter reacting with one gram of ordinary matter results in 42.96 kilotons-equivalent of energy (though there is considerable 'loss' by production of neutrinos ). Oct 13, 2017  This feature is not available right now. Please try again later.

In her best selling book, Breakthrough: Eight Steps to Wellness, actress and best-selling author Suzanne Somers calls DMG a critical nutritional supplement. She is well into her 60s and is still radiant and stunningly beautiful. Dr. Ray Sahelian, M.D., bestselling author of Mind Boosters: Improve Your Mind, Memory, and Mood wrote, “If you find the field of mind-boosting pills, sex nutrients, and anti-aging interesting, you will certainly want to learn more about DMG (dimethylglycine).” He’s among many medical professionals that acknowledge the very pronounced benefits of dimethylglycine, such as increased energy, an overall feeling of well-being, faster thinking, enhanced memory and particularly greater stamina throughout the day. In other words, you don’t burn out as easily in the course of a normal day.

Numerous Health Benefits from Taking DMG

The health benefits from supplementing with DMG are significant. Dimethylglycine greatly improves the nutritional environment of the cell, increases immune system function (between up to 300% and 1000%) and improves oxygen utilization which enhances energy levels in the body. It helps to optimize mental activity and brain function and supports the body in counteracting the negative effects of mental and physical stress. DMG is one of the best anti-aging nutrients on the market.

Dimethylglycine is a major anti-stress nutrient, energy builder and adaptogen that benefits your metabolism, health and well-being. The average person has fatigue issues, injuries, gets sick and is generally stressed out. When the body is under conditions of stress, DMG improves oxygen utilization in the body and enhances cellular metabolism. Studies show that DMG supplementation helps both humans and animals adapt to increased physical activity by reducing blood lactic acid levels, increasing oxygen uptake by tissues, enhancing ATP production, normalizing glucose metabolism and decreasing fatigue. DMG reduces lactic acid build up in the muscle thereby shortening recovery time after strenuous exercise and improving endurance. Dimethylglycine:

  • Helps stimulate and maintain a strong immune system
  • Improves metabolism
  • Optimizes energy levels
  • Makes energy production more efficient
  • Reduces lactic acid formation
  • Minimizes cravings for alcohol and drugs
  • Enhances detoxification of the blood and the liver
  • Increases oxygen utilization
  • Enhances methyl donation
  • Acts as an adaptogen
  • Enhances neurotransmitter production
  • Improves circulation
  • Helps the body adapt to stress
  • Decreases homocysteine levels
  • Increases glutathione and SAMe levels
  • Decreases elevated blood pressure, triglyceride and cholesterol levels
  • Acts as an antioxidant
  • Promotes the neutralization of free radicals
  • Has anti-inflammatory properties
  • Provides building blocks needed for synthesis of important body constituents
  • Supports lymphocyte production

In the nation’s #1 bestselling guide to natural remedies, Prescription for Nutritional Healing, authors James Balch, M.D., and Phyllis Balch, C.N.C. recommend using DMG for 48 condition-specific uses. DMG is useful in so many conditions in part because it is a metabolic enhancer. As Dr. Balch writes, “Taking supplemental DMG can have a wide range of beneficial effects, including helping the body maintain high energy levels and boosting mental acuity. DMG has been found to enhance the immune system, and to reduce elevated blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It improves oxygen utilization by the body, helps to normalize blood pressure and blood glucose levels, and improves the functioning of many important organs.”

How Does Dimethylglycine Work in the Body?

Dimethylglycine is an important methyl donor that participates in numerous biochemical pathways and is important for glutathione synthesis. It’s able to donate a methyl towards necessary enzymatic reactions. This ability to donate one of its methyls is very crucial in the synthesis and production of important brain chemicals. Sufficient levels of glycine in the body are responsible for a general overall feeling of health or well being.

A methyl donor is simply any substance that can transfer a methyl group [a carbon atom attached to three hydrogen atoms (CH3)] to another substance. Methylation is a biochemical process that is essential to life, health and regeneration of body cells. Vitamins, hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), and antibodies depend on the transfer of methyl groups to complete their synthesis. Scientists suspect that proper methylation of DNA may prevent the expression of harmful genes, such as cancer genes. Our body’s ability to methylate declines with age, contributing to the aging process, and therefore supplementation can be beneficial.

The versatility of Dimethylglycine to donate methyl groups and generate molecules like glycine, serine, sarcosine, ethanolamines, methionine and cysteine, as well as contributing to the formation of SAMe, may explain why DMG has such broad and wide-reaching therapeutic effects on the body. Some of those therapeutic effects include enhancing energy production, increasing circulation, decreasing seizure activity, reducing lactic acid levels, promoting better oxygen utilization, lowering homocysteine and many other beneficial effects.

Is DMG New?

Dimethylglycine in supplement form has been around for over 40 years with numerous clinical studies to prove its benefits and safety. DMG was first discovered by Russian scientists who were looking for a solution to the problem of accelerated aging in cosmonauts in space. Through performing hundreds of research studies, they found that returning cosmonauts who used DMG showed no symptoms of cellular damage or premature aging that the other cosmonauts all displayed.

Originally called “vitamin B-15” or “calcium pangamate” in the 1960’s and 1970’s, dimethylglycine has been cherished by top athletes and sports professionals for its ability to enhance performance and increase endurance. Olympic greats, world-champion body-builders, Super Bowl champions and the heavyweight champion of the world have all attributed their success in part to supplementing with DMG.

Aging and over-the-hill athletes notice especially good results from taking DMG. During an internationally televised interview with Muhammad Ali in 1976, the boxing champ held up a bottle of “B-15” (DMG) to show the world his “secret weapon.” As reported in the National Medical Bulletin in 1978, Ali took DMG during his many consecutive victories, and then when he stopped taking it, he was defeated by a newcomer. Once he began taking DMG again, he beat that same newcomer in a rematch in 1978.

Is DMG Safe?

Dimethylglycine has a long history of safe use by humans and is an intricate part of human metabolism. DMG is absolutely required by the human body to function optimally. DMG is hypoallergenic and is an extremely safe food substance that can enhance normal metabolic pathways in the body. It is safe for use in children of all ages. Doctors have been recommending DMG for autistic children since 1980.

Extensive animal studies on the safety of dimethylglycine showed that it is actually as safe as vitamin C. It is literally impossible to overdose. DMG actually has protective abilities against mutagens and carcinogens that may be in our food, water and the air we breathe.

Paul Buck, Ph. D., nutritional biochemist at an FDA approved laboratory in Waverly, NY, is quoted to have said that “the average person would have to ingest 21 pounds or more of DMG in a short amount of time for it to be toxic, and at that point it would be a problem more with the volume than with the actual toxicity of the DMG.”

Dr. Gary Todd, M.D., describes DMG safety in his book entitled Nutrition, Health and Disease on page 206. Dr. Todd summarizes the extreme safety of DMG with this illustration: “the average DMG tablet is 125 mg, so you would have to take 4,144 tablets in a single dose to achieve the LD50 for the average 70 kg (154 lb.) male, which would cost you $1,167.23. The intake of this much DMG would take an impossibly long time to swallow all the tablets, so a toxic dose would be impossible in humans, considering it would take almost 50 liters of water to swallow the pills, which in itself is a lethal dose.”

Why Take DMG?

Dimethylglycine is absolutely essential to virtually all human biological functions. DMG plays a key role in at least 41 different biochemical processes that are directly linked to how the body ages. DMG is required by all 70 trillion cells of the body for everything from proper nutrient absorption to cellular metabolism and energy production to oxygenation of the bloodstream. Dimethylglycine increases neuron activity and brain function, promotes healthy heart function, supports proper liver function and detoxification, enhances immune system function, and is generally essential to virtually all human biological function, including the production of DNA.

The body makes DMG, but not in sufficient levels to counter the many stress factors that assault the body today. Unfortunately, the body makes less and less dimethylglycine as we age. DMG is an anti-stress nutrient and metabolic enhancer, which provides a wide spectrum of benefits to health, vitality and wellness. It also has many healing and therapeutic benefits. Therefore, for optimal health, most people will notice significant improvement when taking DMG. The specific benefits that a person will receive from taking DMG are very unique to that person’s overall health, lifestyle, age and stress level.

How to Take DMG

Dimethylglycine is quickly broken down in the body, so smaller doses multiple times a day is best rather than taking it all at once. It is best to take DMG several times throughout the day in order to maintain consistent availability to the body. May be taken with out without food.

Dimethylglycine is best taken between meals to avoid competitive uptake from other amino acids although it can be taken with food as well. Individuals with heavy work schedules, high stress, athletes or people dealing with a major health problem can benefit from higher intakes of DMG. Depending on the specific area of use, the recommended dosage of DMG can range anywhere from 125mg to over 1000mg a day. An additional 150mg to 300mg can be taken for every 2 to 4 hours of exercise or heavy stress. Due to biochemical individuality, results can show up anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.

In Conclusion

DMG can help you live a longer, better and healthier life. It can add years to your life and life to your years. Dimethylglycine is a safe, effective and natural way to build wellness and optimize health. Taking DMG is a practical way to support well-being, cope with stress, slow the aging process and allow us to stay healthier by fortifying our body against dis-ease. Mountain Well-Being is the source for pure, high quality DMG packaged in convenient chewable tablets. Instead of the usual 60 count bottles, Mountain Well-Being DMG comes in packages containing a full 90 chewable tablets of dimethylglycine. At 250 mg per capsule, ours is double the strength as most other brands.

For an excellent book on the health benefits of DMG, please CLICK HERE.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

DMG supplement sublingual 100 mg, 125 mg 500 mg benefit side effects Dimethylglycine, dosage, tablets, latest information by Ray Sahelian, M.D.
December 22 2017

If you find the field of mind-boosting pills, sex nutrients, and anti-aging interesting, you will certainly want to learn more about DMG (dimethylglycine), TMG (trimethylglycine), and methyl donors. Unless your major is college was chemistry, chances are you don’t remember learning about DMG or methyl donors. A methyl donor is simply any substance that can transfer a methyl group [a carbon atom attached to three hydrogen atoms (CH3)] to another substance. Methylation is a biochemical process that is essential to life, health, and regeneration of body cells. Vitamins, hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), and antibodies depend on the transfer of methyl groups to complete their synthesis. Scientists suspect that proper methylation of DNA may prevent the expression of harmful genes, such as cancer genes. It’s quite likely that our body’s ability to methylate declines with age, contributing to the aging process, and therefore supplementation may well be beneficial. The research in this area is still very early and no firm answers are yet available.

Now Foods, DMG, 125 mg, 100 Capsules
Purchase DMG supplement 100 mg pills, 60 Tablets - Source Naturals

Buy DMG 100 or 125 mg from NOW Foods or Source Naturals or try Mind Power Rx

Supplement Facts
Serving Size: 1 Capsule
Amount Per Serving% Daily Value
N, N-Dimethyl Glycine (DMG) (from N, N-Dimethyl Glycine HCI)125 mg*
* Daily Value not established.

Suggested Use, dosage, how much to take: one 100 mg DMG tablet daily, or as recommended by your health care professional.
Some people may require higher dosages such as 125 mg or 200mg but we do not see the need to take 500 mg or more.

N, N-dimethylglycine, is a nutrient common to many grains and meat.
Serving Size 1 Tablet
DMG - 125 mg
(N,N-Dimethylglycine HCI)
Purchase DMG supplement pills

Mind Power Rx

This natural herbal and nutritional mind enhancer is an effective cognitive formula. It combines a delicate balance of brain circulation agents and neurotransmitter precursors with powerful natural brain chemicals that support:
Mental clarity
Alertness and Focus

The herbs are Ashwagandha, Bacopa, Fo-Ti, Ginkgo biloba extract, Ginseng, Mucuna pruriens, Reishi, and Rhodiola. The nutrients and vitamins in Mind Power Rx include Acetyl-l-carnitine, Carnitine nutrient, Carnosine, Choline, DMAE, Inositol, Methylcobalamin, Pantothenic acid, Trimethylglycine, Tyrosine, and Vinpocetine. Mind Power Rx has TMG, but not DMG. Mind power Rx does not have galantamine or the club moss extract juperzine A.

DMG and other methyl donors, DMG vs TMG
Some nutrients considered to be methyl donors include DMG, TMG, SAM-e, and DMAE. Two of the B vitamins, folic acid and B12, are also considered methyl donors. Methyl donors help in the production of several brain chemicals and hence have an influence on sexual enjoyment, mood, energy, wellbeing, alertness, concentration, and visual clarity.

DMG (dimethylglycine) is basically the amino acid glycine attached to two methyl groups. It is a normal physiologically active nutrient found in low levels in such foods as cereal grains, liver, and beans. Humans also naturally produce DMG in small amounts. As a nutritional supplement, it acts as a building block for the synthesis of many important substances such as choline, SAM-e, the amino acid methionine, several hormones, neurotransmitters, and DNA.
TMG (trimethylglycine), also known as betaine, is basically the amino acid glycine attached to three methyl groups. Simply, TMG has one more methyl group than DMG.

I am wondering which has the more benefits as far as energy go, DMG vs TMG? Also, are they to be taken with food or without for max benefits?
DMG is usually available under the tongue and works quicker. They both can be taken with or without food. TMG usually provides more energy but each person is unique in their response.

Side effects on high dosage
High dosages repeated over several days could cause irritability, insomnia, restlessness, and heart beating faster or heart rhythm disturbances, therefore it is best to use the lowest dosage that works.

Q. I just purchased Aangamik DMG 125 mg sublingual tablets. In reading side effects and benefits etc I saw a study done on people with cardio vascular problems which I am told I have. I have two stents put in due to blocked arteries several years ago. Testing since has shown no further problems. Is this a good thing for this type of problem or a bad thing.
A. It is probably best to use a third or so of the pill to see if any changes occur to heart rate and please seek advice from your doctor, also.

Research with DMG supplement
How to enchant weapons eso. Small studies have found that DMG may help boost some aspects of the immune system. Studies using it for autism have generally not found it to be helpful although there are some anecdotal reports of parents noticing that their autistic children improved by taking these pills.

Not of any benefit for autism
A double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover pilot trial of low dose dimethylglycine in patients with autistic disorder.
J Autism Dev Disord. 1999.
As the treatability of the syndrome of autism becomes more possible there is a great deal more interest in the effectiveness of various therapies. Although the very influential nonmedical literature cited in the Autism Research Review International Newsletter finds that dimethylglycine is regarded as more effective than the usual psychopharmacologic drugs, there have been no studies of DMG using the currently accepted research methodology. We report a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover pilot study of low dose DMG and placebo in a sample of eight autistic males ranging in age from 4 years 5 months to 30 years 8 months, who completed the full 3 1/2-month study consisting of drug-free baseline periods at the beginning, end, and in-between two, 1-month double-blind trials in which DMG or placebo was given. Measures included the Campbell-NIMH rating scale, an experimental rating scale, and an individualized scale created for each child. Analysis of all three scales revealed no statistically significant differences, and parent reports were equally distributed. The major methodologic weaknesses of the study are thought to be the low dosage of DMG and the small sample size.

Heart disease
Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2013. Plasma dimethylglycine and risk of incident acute myocardial infarction in patients with stable angina pectoris. Dimethylglycine is linked to lipid metabolism, and increased plasma levels may be associated with adverse prognosis in patients with coronary artery disease. We evaluated the relationship between plasma dimethylglycine and risk of incident acute myocardial infarction in a large prospective cohort of patients with stable angina pectoris, of whom approximately two thirds were participants in a B-vitamin intervention trial. Model discrimination and reclassification when adding plasma dimethylglycine to established risk factors were obtained. We also explored temporal changes and the test-retest reliability of plasma dimethylglycine. Four thousand one hundred fifty patients (72% men; median age 62 years) were included. Plasma dimethylglycine was associated with several traditional coronary artery disease risk factors. During a median follow-up of 4.6 years, 343 (8%) patients experienced an acute myocardial infarction. Plasma DMG is independently related to incident acute myocardial infarction and enhances risk prediction in patients with stable angina pectoris. Our results motivate further studies on the relationship between 1-carbon metabolism and atherothrombosis. A potential interplay with lipid and energy metabolism merits particular attention.

Q. On your article on DMG (Dimetylglycine), the study on heart disease says that it is linked with increased risk of myocardial infarction risk. Can you elaborate on this? It seems to suggest that the higher levels of DMG are dangerous, and increases the risk of heart attacks. Can you help me understand?
A. I have only seen one study regarding this association and I do not know what to make of it. As to supplementation with this nutrient, I do not see any problems or harm when it is used occasionally.

Multiple sclerosis
What is the correct dosage for DMG on MS and where can I get those pills?
I have not seen such research regarding the use of DMG supplements for patients with multiple sclerosis.

Seizures and epilepsy
My vet has prescribed DMG 100 to 125 mg for my dog who has had seizures in the past. I don't see anywhere on your site where it is mentioned for dogs or seizures. Is there any research to show that it helps with seizures?
One study in humans from 1989 did not show any benefits.

N,N dimethylglycine and epilepsy.
Epilepsia. 1989. Department of Neuroscience, University of North Dakota School of Medicine, Fargo.
Nineteen institutionalized patients with frequent seizures (group average two to three per day; seizure types--generalized, akinetic / myoclonic), were treated randomly with either placebo or N,N dimethylglycine DMG for 28 days. Dosage was 300 mg/day for the first 14 days and then 600 mg/day. No differences in seizure frequency were noted between placebo and DMG or between baseline and test conditions.

DMG Research studies
DMG Dimethylglycine supplementation does not affect plasma homocysteine concentrations in pre-dialysis chronic renal failure patients.
Clin Biochem. 2004.
Seven pre-dialysis chronic renal failure patients consumed 400 mg of DMG or placebo daily for 28 days. Fasting blood samples and 12-h urine samples were collected at baseline and at the end of each treatment period for analysis. No significant differences were observed in plasma homocysteine, glycine betaine and methionine concentrations between DMG and placebo treatments. Daily supplementation with DMG does not affect plasma homocysteine.

The effect of short-term dimethylglycine treatment on oxygen consumption in cytochrome oxidase deficiency: a double-blind randomized crossover clinical trial.
J Pediatrics. 2003.
To study the effectiveness of dimethylglycine on oxygen consumption (VO(2)) in children with Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean cytochrome-c oxidase (SLSJ-COX) deficiency. 5 children with SLSJ-COX deficiency, who were stable and old enough to comply with VO(2) measurement, were treated with placebo or DMG for 3 days, and with the alternate treatment after a 2-week washout period. Dietary caloric intake was calculated for 3 days before each measurement. Mean caloric intakes per day were 1562 and 1342 kcal x m(-2) before and during placebo, 1,336 and 1,380 before and during DMG, respectively. DMG was well tolerated and, in all cases, resulted in markedly increased blood DMG levels. Mean VO(2) was lower after administration of either DMG or placebo, but neither difference was statistically significant. There was no detectable effect of DMG treatment on blood levels of lactate, pyruvate, bicarbonate, or pH. This study suggests that treatment with DMG does not substantially change oxygen consumption in children with SLSJ-COX deficiency.

Dimethylglycine is an anti-stress nutrient with antioxidant properties. Recently, studies have implicated the generation of oxygen-derived free radicals and lipid peroxidation as one of the mechanisms in the pathogenesis of gastric ulcer. The results suggest that the gastroprotective effect of DMG could be mediated by its free radical scavenging activity and cytoprotection of gastric mucosa

I took 1,400 mg by mistake (misread the directions). The most amazing thing happened. I built and installed a wall to wall laundry shelf, organized a laundry room and painted the room in one day. The reason why this is amazing is because I have been in a couple of car accidents and suffered concussions. My brain has never been the same since. My typical day starts out with my hand on my cheek wondering what I am supposed to do. Literally, I have to figure out what to do and how to do it, such as making a cup of tea, preparing a meal, feeding my dogs. Next I have to figure out what my responsibilities are for the day and how to do them. I have notes around the house to help me know what to do next. After taking DMG I felt like a super human building that shelf and giving the laundry room an overhaul. I knew exactly what to do. I was able to determine what tools I would need. I was able to determine how to do the project and I did the project with ease, excitement and with excellence. Not once did I experience those long frustrating pauses as to what I'm supposed to do and how to accomplish something.

After reading your very interesting material about TMG and DMG supplements, I was curious as to whether those with bi-polar disease (manic depressives) should be taking this if they take Lithium. I am not bipolar, but I was just curious generally since generally they suffer manic (upper episodes) Lithium seems to level them out.
Those on Lithium who are bipolar should be cautious in using DMG or TMG since they may lead to overstimulation and potentially lead to mania.

How Much Dmg Does 1 G Of Anti Matter Dogs

I tried 250 mg of DMG (sublingual) and didn't feel any effect on my mood whatsoever: does it take a few days to work?
Each person is different on the required DMG dosage and how quickly they respond. Also, some people respond to one supplement while others respond to another, it is impossible to predict. Sometimes it takes a few days to notice an effect.

1 G Gravity

A friend gave me a few foils of DMG spills while I was in the mountains 9200 feet and she said it was good for altitude sickness. It did cut back on the headaches. I am trying to find out about this supplement. the foil has no brand name just DMG on it lot # 39056 she said you can get DMG supplements at any health food store. If it helped altitude headaches would it help migraines?
We are not aware of studies regarding the role of DMG supplements on altitude sickness or migraine. If your doctor approves, it may be worth a try.

How Much Dmg Does 1 G Of Anti Matter Dog

I am a supplement buyer for a natural foods store in Delaware. I have taken a sublingual form of DMG is that the best way to absorb it? Like vitamin B12? Is it even absorbable in capsule or tablet form. Is there a good source for information as to the best form of supplements and how to best take them?
There is very little human research done with DMG supplements and therefore it is difficult to know the best way to absorb DMG. It does appear that sublingual DMG works well and for the time being this is a good option.

I am interested in both DMG and TMG (Trimethylglycine) but I don't know which is the best to imitate the effects of Sam-E which really worked for me but I can't take it because it upsets my stomach and I can't afford it since it's so expensive. I saw on your site that TMG has one more methyl group than DMG is it still as effective as TMG in imitating Sam-E? Also, I read that you should take methionine with both TMG and DMG if you want to imitate the effect of Sam-E and also take B6, B12, and Folic acid. Before I buy either one I just want to know which one you recommend I take if I want to have the same effect of Sam-E and if I need to also take Methionine?
DMG and TMG are not as effective as SAM-e pills in terms of mood lift, but they do offer some benefits. TMG has a longer half life and lasts longer in the body and may be the preferred choice although each person needs to try on their own to see which they prefer. As to the combination with methionine, I have not seen such studies but it is worth a try in the future to see if it adds any further benefits.

How Much Dmg Does 1 G Of Antimatter Do T

I have been taking DMG and notice an energy boost and a slight mood boost (not much but a little). I also think it adds some calmness. I will be getting the TMG and methionone soon in the mail and will let you know how it works.