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Set:Knights of the Frozen Throne
Tags:Random, Spell-generating, Triggered effect, Weapon-generating
Artist:Glenn Rane
Voice actor:Michael McConnohie

At the end of your turn, add a random Death Knight card to your hand.

However, immunity to spells may also be valuable due to The Lich King consistently having Obliterate. The dream is to have both effects on a very large Scavenging Hyena. Stitched Tracker is extremely helpful in this deck. He's useful for getting multiple copies of Crackling Razormaw and/or Scavenging Hyena. The Wrath of the Lich King was a huge hit, and it helped propel World of Warcraft to its most popular era, with subscription numbers reaching a peak of 12 million near the end of the Lich King.

'All that I am: anger, cruelty, vengeance, 8 attack - I bestow upon you, my chosen knight.'

On its own, Sturm is a bit of a letdown. SturmThis Exotic hand cannon comes from a quest you’ll earn after completing the three Quest missions that unlock on Nessus after finishing the main story campaign. Boss dmg on secondary weapon

For the boss of the same name, see The Lich King (boss).

The Lich King is a legendaryneutralminion, from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set.

  • 4Strategy
    • 4.1Death Knight cards

How to get[editedit source]

The Lich King can be obtained through Knights of the Frozen Thronecard packs bought through the ingame Shop, purchased online from the shop, or through crafting.

CardCrafting costDisenchanting
The Lich King1600400
Golden The Lich King32001600

Generated cards[editedit source]

Notes[editedit source]

  • The Lich King's Death Knight cards are considered to belong to their own Death Knight class. Because of this, they will receive a discount when Ethereal Peddler is played and can be copied by Tess Greymane.

Strategy[editedit source]

The Lich King is similar to Ysera, as it's a large card that generates special, powerful cards at the end of your turn. Notably, this minion's stats are identical to Ironbark Protector, but with a massive upside. This minion has much higher attack than Ysera, making it more offensively powerful, but the lower health makes it far easier to trade into. Taunt is both a benefit and a downside, as the Taunt can be used to protect your hero and valuable minions, but The Lich King himself cannot be hidden behind other Taunts, making it easier for your opponent to destroy.

The largest downside of The Lich King is the randomness of his effect and the extreme difference between cards. Cards such as Death Grip and Anti-Magic Shell are far better when ahead on the board, whereas Doom Pact and Army of the Dead are far better when behind.

Death Knight cards[editedit source]

There are eight Death Knight cards available, giving each a 12.5% chance of being added to your hand. Because The Lich King's effect triggers at the end of your turn, barring any Secrets, he is guaranteed to generate at least one card for you.

Anti-Magic Shell[editedit source]

This is an extremely powerful buff if you already have multiple minions on board, but it can be worth using just to keep a minion you want protected from removal spells, such as the Lich King himself.

Army of the Dead[editedit source]

This card can potentially generate a huge board swing, but is very risky because it removes any non-minion cards drawn. It also doesn't activate their Battlecries and brings you a lot closer to fatigue. This card is more effective on control Deathrattle-based decks and it is recommended to hold this card back until you draw your important non-minion cards first, such as the hero cards.

Lich King Hearthstone Guide

Death and Decay[editedit source]

A simple but powerful board clear that doesn't damage your own board, and can even be used as a finisher.

Death Coil[editedit source]

A flexible single-target card that can be used for removal, a finisher, and healing in more desperate cases.

Death Grip[editedit source]

This is a fairly simple spell that should be played as soon as possible. It can potentially steal an important minion from your opponent, such as Archmage Antonidas, Lord Jaraxxus, or even another The Lich King himself, but can also steal a weak early game minion.

Doom Pact[editedit source]

This card is a very cheap full board clear, but because it removes cards from your deck, it is unwise to use this on a packed board. It will also remove cards for each of your own minions, so the best scenario to use this card is when you have no minions and the opponent has a few large minions. Like with Army of the Dead, you may want to hold off playing this until you have drawn your important cards. Playing the card with no more cards in your deck does not cause fatigue damage, so it's best saved for the end of the game in control matches.

Frostmourne[editedit source]

This weapon's stats and effect is extremely powerful, but needs a few turns for it to return your investment. If you can manage to kill even one or two medium to high-powered minions, it can turn the board in your favor after it breaks. Taunt minions are great targets to kill with Frostmourne. This strategy is more effective on tankier classes like Priest and Warrior, but even if you don't have much health remaining, you can still use this to deal a respectable amount of face damage each turn.

Obliterate[editedit source]

This card is an extremely cheap hard removal, but for classes that need stricter health management like Rogue or Warlock, this is a risky card to use on high-health minions. It is well worth using on a Divine Shield minion.

Quotes[editedit source]

Warriors of the frozen wastes.. rise!
The end has come!

Lore[editedit source]

From Wowpedia:

The Lich King is the master and lord of the Scourge, which he rules telepathically from Icecrown Glacier atop the Frozen Throne.
Kil'jaeden the Deceiver created the Lich King from the spirit of the orcshamanNer'zhul to raise an undead army to weaken Azeroth in preperation of the Burning Legion's invasion. Initially trapped within the Frozen Throne with Frostmourne, the Lich King eventually betrayed Kil'jaeden and merged with the human Arthas Menethil. At the climax of the war for Northrend, the Lich King was defeated by Highlord Tirion Fordring and his champions. With the destruction of Frostmourne and the death of Arthas, Bolvar Fordragon took up the mantle of the Lich King in order to keep the undead Scourge in check.
Hearthstone lich king raid most dmg free
The Lich King Arthas was the titular antagonist of World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King.

Trivia[editedit source]

  • The artwork for this card comes from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game 'Icecrown' series, for the card The Lich King.

Gallery[editedit source]

The Lich King, full art

Wow Lich King Raid

Patch changes[editedit source]

  • Patch (2017-08-08): Added.
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