1. Jun 23, 2012  I like raw better than elements. I also had trouble with the element glue not sticking very well. I also didn't like the taste of elements as much. That rice paper taste reminded me of that asian candy when I was a child that you could eat the wrapper made out of rice paper My personal favorite by far are ocb slims. The black package one.
  2. Charge blade DPS experiment (raw vs elemental). If he goes through the process of getting a elemental phial on a weapon vs impact, a element phial weapon if you kept the sword and shield both charged and used the shield stab where it hits multiple times along with sword strokes i think that is the best way to deal elemental damage.
  3. I'm still early on MHW, but for comparison with MH4U, I had 7-8 different insect glaive to match up with opponents, but only 2 gunlances (an all rounder, and poison for Daora). Would a better RAW still beat element for that monster? You would need to be spec'd for elemental damage to beat out raw in that sense. The highest elemental weapon.
  4. Sep 18, 2019  Tested a ATK7, Crit Boost 3 build using the max raw dmg gs against 4 piece Velkhana using a elemental GS with lower raw. Both sets were using affinity booster to.

Because i was tired of swapping and comparing gear in honeyhunterworld builder I decided to make a spreadsheet for the bow. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tL4V4XzRRlFkXRdpVL70NjaC3K7uqcVDi3uqoJRC2fk/edit#gid=0

It answers my question on whether Critical Eye+ or Spreadshot to put in T4 slots or Critical Eye or Spreadshot in T3 slots or if its worth it to get 1 silver sol essence instead of 70 element.

Attack Power or Raw Damage is a damage statistic in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Monsters also have raw damage, which is offset by the hunter's Defense stat. For a more complete rundown on combat with Monsters, see Weapon Mechanics, Defense, and Elemental Resistances. How Attack Power is Calculated.

Sep 06, 2019  In Monster Hunter World: Iceborne, a lot of gear features an Element in addition to their 'Raw' power.These elements fit into the classic categories of earthly element you'd expect from an RPG. Mar 02, 2018  The focus with this setup is to maximize raw attack damage the damage you do with the help of Agitator, increasing your damage when enemies enrage.

Dont get me wrong, I love honeyhunter and use its data of monster hit zone values and enrage multipliers, but it gets tiresome to swap out gear and compare the damage of each single move.

Here is some explanation on how to use this spreadsheet:

Due to rounding errors you may get a difference of 1 dmg per arrow. I summed up the dmg of every arrow in one specific shot since I'm only interested in the total average dmg of a shot and not of one arrow from the specific shot so keep that in mind.

  1. rawhzv (raw hitzone value), elehzv and enrage multiplier is found on honeyhunterworld or elsewhere for each specific monster. The pole has 80 raw, 30 elemental and 100 enrage, if you want to test it on the pole.
  2. traw is true raw. You can input your bloated raw you see in the character screen after you divide the number by 1.2. You may add more raw, if you have skills, that are not activated and thus dont shown in your character screen (for agitator 5 add another 20 to your unbloated screen value)
  3. tele is your elemental. Pretty much the same as traw, but there is no bloated value so input as seen on screen and add unactivated skills.
  4. Crit boost and crit ele are self explanatory.
  5. Force and spreadshot are skills. If you dont have the decos slotted in, just input 1. The multipliers are found on the left.
  6. crit is the same as traw, except I dont do percentage, but multipliers. 1 crit is 100% chance for a crit. 0.5 crit is 50% chance for a crit. If you want to know, how much one shot deals, if every arrow in this shot crits input 1. If you want to know how much a shot deals, if no arrow crits, input 0. Else you will get the average damage number of one shot.
  7. coatings also explain themselves. Multipliers are found on the left.
  8. below are some combos. DD means Dash Dance. R is rapid, Q quick and P Power. You can make your own combos to compare.

For examples I used Teostras head, enraged and tenderized. Example 1 uses 1 Spreadshot but only has 90% crit. Example 2 has 100% crit but no spreadshot. 10% more crit pretty much wins out in every combo.

And now some 'crazy' stuff. You can enter hypothetical values (not possible on builders)

Example 3 is a theoretical raw bow. To be about Equal to the elemental bow you need around 500 raw, which is not possible without some crazy amount of buffs and/or permanent use of power coatings. Example 4 is a raw bow with 425 raw, which is quite possible, but you have to use close coatings all the time. Each raw bow uses 2x Spreadshot and 2x Forceshot, so very very deco hungry.

If you want to change/improve it, feel free to download and do so. If there are any errors, let me know.

Interestingly, applies to ALL weapons that work with Swashbuckler finesse, + scimitar.#7: The third level of the Unchained Rogue (and the 11th and 19th levels) allows one to select a single finessable type of weapon. Do crossbows get dex to dmg pathfinder. Errata struck again, but arguably as it was simply a reprint some players might succeed in a case to specifically use the version from Advanced Class Origins, which does not require an empty and unused off-hand.#6: Fourth level of a swashbuckler archetype called Whirling Dervish.


Edited Zinogres head (tenderized and enraged) as example on how I would use the spreadsheet to compare different builds. As base I use a meta Safi bow build with 287 raw and 770 element. To get somwhere near the dmg output of this bow i would need a build with 410 raw and 1 more Spreadshot. If Zinorge gets charged though (elemental hitzone changes from 15 to 25 and raw hitzone only changes from 63 to 66), elemental bow outclasses the raw build by a ton.

Source: Original link

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    Hello, Hunters! Street Fighter and Devil May Cry quests are up better get them before they go! Disclaimer, I am not huge on the meta or builds and tend to do my own thing. Best builds and other such optimization questions are free to be discussed but I am not an expert on that. Bow…

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© Post 'min/max bow dmg' for game Monster Hunter World.

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Last updated on October 21st, 2018

Element Vs Raw Dmg Mhw Download

New events in Monster Hunter World have allowed for some upgrading of previous end-game builds. This article will give you an idea for a powerful Long Sword DPS build that is fun and effective. The Devil May Cry event brought a mix and match Dante Armor Set and the second Spring Update brought the Kulve Taroth α and β Armor Set.

Before we had Kulve Taroth and Dante, most of the end game armor was Death Stench, Dober, Dragonking Eyepatch, Kushala, and Nergigante. Most armor sets used the handicraft charm to raise sharpness to white. Now we have more options to customize a build, below is one example.

MHW Raw DPS Longsword Build

Build’s Name

Hidden Element Mhw

Divine Slash Me Mami

Free Element Mhw


Armor Pieces

  • Kaiser Vambraces Beta


Skills From Armor & Charm

  • Critical Boost +2
  • Weakness Exploit +3
  • Handicraft +3
  • Attack Boost +3
  • Stun Resistance +2
  • Maximum Might +2


  • Slot in Non-elemental Boost on your Weapon
  • Slot in Attack Boost on your Helmet
  • Slot in Crit Boost on your Gauntlets
  • Slot in Protective Polish on your Waist
  • Slot in Critical Eye on Chest and Leggings. (If players have attack gems, they can be substituted for critical eye.)

Element Vs Raw Dmg Mhw 1

Activated Skills,Armor, & Weapon Showcase
Available Open Slots

You may also like to see this Elemental Crit Build For Sealed Weapons

If you are looking for more Monster Hunter World info, you can go in-depth with our featured guides: All Armor Limits, Everything about Kulve Taroth, Long Sword Elemental Limits, Attack Values & You, Crown Sizes & You, Monster Hunter World: The Canteen Explained With Ingredient Guide or Monster Hunter World: End Game Guide.

Element Vs Raw Dmg Mhw 3

There are several more MHW guides that you don’t want to miss out on!