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Apr 04, 2018  MUNDO TOP Gameplay! League of legends Mundo Season 8 gameplay! CHECK OUT SRO HIGHLIGHTS HERE: LIKE & SUBSCRIB. INSANE FULL DAMAGE DR. Dec 07, 2017  best top new controversial old q&a. Bad is if you have like let's say 12/2/3 stats and you are not first or near first in dmg in nearly every game you play. Because that means you play only for your kda. Keep in minde if you take a lot of kills then you. Mar 22, 2017  THE DIVISION - 5 SIMPLE WAYS TO INCREASE YOUR WEAPON DAMAGE! (THE DIVISION TIPS & TRICKS) Can We Try to Hit 200 Likes? Jan 15, 2012  POLL Mundo's Q% Health Dmg is based on True Dmg Instead of Magic. Comment below rating threshold, click here to show it. It would be crazy OP if mundo could throw cleavers that could kill someone in 4 hits guaranteed. It would be like vaynes silver bolts but more than 3 times more damage. Oct 23, 2019  This rune is literally what Dr. It allows you to increase your health pool even further, which is exactly what you want to do in order to become that unkillable beast. Jan 19, 2018  one mundo cleaver does how much damage?? Max poke mundo season 8 gameplay! League of legends solorenektononly. Since when can a malphite do this much dmg.

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How To Increase Mundo Q Dmg 2

When it comes to Chaos, no one is more chaotic then the good doctor. He is a freak of his own curiousity. He can spontaneously combust and chucks infected cleavers at people's faces. One of the few champions that defines Chaos. And now, with Adonikam's help, I bring you Dr. Mundo like you have never seen him before. A Mundo so twisted, that you will be speechless. This is not for those with weak constitutions. The Chaos and Insanity in this guide will warp the minds of those that dont understand my Chaos.
I bring you AP Mundo & his magic cleaver!

Pros / Cons

1. and are core items. This means that the enemy will think you are building a regular Mundo. But as the game goes on, they will see that things will change.
2. This is a Chaotic Build. If you like champs played in a way they shouldnt be, this is for you.
3. The AP scaling is bad, but by taking Mpen you will get more out of the Magic dmg you do have.
1. This build lacks the pretty 4k HP that Mundo is famous for. So being a HP tank is out of the question. You will have to have perfect timing if you want to play aggressive.
2. Low AP. This low AP along with low AP scaling, means this is a gamble. But if you like to gamble, this works for you.
3. More of a support build not Tank/DPS. I say support, because he doesnt have the HP of most Mundo, Abyssal/Raylai's helps keep enemies vulnerable to your team, and tends to shine late game.

Summoner Spells & Masteries

Tier 1 Cripple and AP as I lvl. Cripple gives a debuff that helps the team, and the AP is always nice.
Tier 2 I take the CDR. Mundo has short CDs, but I need it to get what I need in the third tier
Tier 3 I like the 15% Mpen. Lovely for and . Ill explain this later.
Tier 1: I take Armor and MR. Mitigation is key since health is important to Mundo.
Tier 2: 2% dodge. I dont really use it, but it helps at times.
Tier 3: I take the movement after a dodge, and 2/3 in reduced physical dmg. Again, mitigation is nice.
Tier 4: Vet Scars. There was a slight nerf to it, but its still nice to have.
Tier 5: Ardor is always nice for the AS and AP. Only make burning people that much more fun.
Summoner Spells
I love having and . A slow with a debuff, and that lil extra dot to make sure to get the job done.. If you dont end it with a cleaver to the face. Its just that simple.


Marks Mpen. Always nice to help with the cleaver dmg and from lighting him-self on fire.
Seals I take regen per lvl. It helps with lane time and it just all around fun.
Glyphs I take CDR. has a min CD, but its always nice to make that shorter ;)

How To Increase Mundo Q Dmg Youtube

Quints are flat health. More health means more CLEAVERS TO THE FACE!!

Skill Sequence

Well like any Mundo I take first. Sniping brush is so much fun. But this is great to max first. So much dmg against tanks and HP champs. With the Mpen, its almost like a mini with a 3 sec CD. It also does a minimum abuot of dmg so either way is a beastly move.
Since this is AP and Mpen based, I lvl up . A togglable if you will. With a lil AP and a lot of life, you can run this all you like and never worry about having to turn it off. Also, this is like a pair of . CDR while its on? Lovely.
is always fun in the late game. So much life, the ability to keep people in range all the time, its just so much fun.
is always so much fun. Many times this can save you in a fight. It has a low CD so you can afford to be in lane with low health. Just be sure you have a team that calls mias.


Now this is the fun part. The part where my chaos shines.
is a must for any Mundo guide. I dont think I need to say any more than that.
are best for this build. It gives more Mpen, and thats always good. Stronger cleavers and more dmg when he lights up. Simple as that.
is the last key to this build. This is your best friend. The slow dont stack with cleavers, but it does when he lights up with . A lil AP, lots of health, and the ability to keep people slowed.. That is something that makes this mundo a killer.
is only going to make you harder to kill. Armor, HP and the burning passive. Now add this to Rylai's.. Hmmmmmm.. Ahh the joys of my madness.
this is one that is used in most builds, but I dont really find a use for it. If you need a lil bit of MR its ok. But I dont really use it all that much.
is so much fun when you combine it with the cleaver. If you time it all right, you can nuke with the best of them.
is great if you want AP, MR, and give a debuff. Keep this up with what I call BurningRylai's, and you are sure to drop people quicky.
if you are doing very well, its not too late, and you are just MUNDO SMASHING everyone and they brother. This item is for the lols really. But it can be fun.
is really fun if you want some lols. I mean all that health. Its just insane.
is another great item. And I thank the few people that brought this to my attention. HP, AP, and Mpen is all good for this mundo.

Items: Starting Item and Build Order

Start with and head to the lane. Playing smart will keep you in lane longer than most.
First Recall Grab your and

How To Increase Mundo Q Dmg Download

Second Recall Upgrade to and get .
Third Recall get and
Fourth Recall
Fifth Recall and let the fun begin.
Now from here you will want to have fun with it. But as I said earlier, you might not get much farther than this.
Personal Preference I like to stack on the dmg with a SFC and DFG. I might take a if I want to really mess with the other team


One this I like about this Mundo, is his farming power. Nothing is more fun than walking into a wave and lighting up. By having the Mpen, the creeps burn faster and that means that you can be on your merry way. And If you feel your HP is too low, turn off the fire, and . Its one of those win win things. Just one mad crafter's opinion.

Team Work

Really the only thing I can say is BurningRylai's and make sure you land your cleavers. This will make you a viable asset to the team and can make you a beast while chasing. They never get away and the QQ is always so much fun.


Ill keep this short and simple.
Mighty cleavers, Unlimited slowing power, Great survival, and so much easy to customize to the game or one's game play.

How To Increase Mundo Q Dmg De

If you like Madness and insane fun, this Mundo is for you. If you dont than I suggest you take a hike.


To Mowen and Cbandicoot for Haunting Guise.Not Updated For Current Season

This guide has not yet been updated for the current season. Please keep this in mind while reading. You can see the most recently updated guides on the browse guides page

The Ultimate Ad Mundo (Still Tanky Too)

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This is my first build ever on mobafire but I do constantly make my own builds when I play admittedly they don't all work but I can assure you this one will work if used correctly.

Items/Skill Sequence

Essentially all you need to know is how this all works so well together. Mundo's 'E' is an auto attack reset along with Titanic's active. Both which will practically fill your fervor stacks on your masteries. Then you will surely take enough damage to proc Sterak's Gage in which is when you may ult if you like but also gives a huge shield and a big damage boost too. All while you have your Q and frozen mallet autos to keep them in your range.


All in all this mundo build is possible to be beat just like any other build in this game just I have not found any weaknesses when you get full build if you build that situational item correctly. This build should blow up squishes and out last any tank sustain fight. You end out just about as tanky as any other mundo too health wise anyways ranging from 4k- 5k health dependent on the situational item.