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Minstrel race?

Gryphon Knight
Posts: 261
Joined: Jan 24, 2013 18:38
Which race i have to choose for 50/50 solo grp rvr . Are they any important differences ?

Gryphon Knight
Posts: 281
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For melee dps choosing a low str race can make a huge difference on dmg. For a caster class (dps, healer, cc) cast speed difference between high and low dex is noticeable. But when it comes to minstrel there is no the best or the worst race. Your melee dmg doesn't scale as well as armsman and your only spell cast which benefits from dex is the useless aoe mez with huge cast time (you can only use it when your sorc is dead, bunch of enemies staying together and ignoring you )
The minimum difference between races are;
Highlander: highest str and con (more dmg from slash and more health)
Saracen: highest dex (more dmg from thrust and more evade/block (block had a fixed value of %10 for non-shield spec classes in Uth 1.0)
Briton: balanced version of two above
For group 50 inst / 44 thrust is the vay to go imo. I prefer it to be saracen. For solo you can't have weapon that high since you need stealth and slash has better styles/dmg if you are going with low weapon spec. So highlander+slash would be my choice but as I said the difference is really minimum. You should pick whatever you like.

Gryphon Knight
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Joined: Jan 24, 2013 18:38

Gryphon Knight
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Alerion Knight
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It's pretty stupid to go into melee as a solo minstrel, highlander is a bad choice except you like the look.
My Skald didnt have a template neither did he use buff charges but still killed all the amg VIPs by plain kiting, with a minstrel it's even easier.

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Gryphon Knight
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Wanna explain why highlander is a bad choice while you claim that you can win against everyone just kiting? Are britons better runners or something?

Alerion Knight
Posts: 2737
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imamizer wrote:Wanna explain why highlander is a bad choice while you claim that you can win against everyone just kiting? Are britons better runners or something?
Britons don't have skirts that slow them down.
[3:10pm] <myrmidon^> You have to be a c*** to be awesome at daoc
[3:10pm] <myrmidon^> that's what I learnt
[3:11pm] <Frosty_> then why does austerim suck
lordgriffon wrote:Oh by the way.. ever seen a group of 8 smite clerics? Or play against a group like that? I have. Absolute devastation. The group that runs up against them can't kill them fast enough because smite clerics have sooooooo many tools at their disposal combined with decent ranged damage with 8 of them dudes doing it!

Gryphon Knight
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Gryphon Knight
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Saracen for faster demez. Melee is only to be used as a last resort in battle, so do not factor it into your choice of race.

Phoenix Knight
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Well, it depends on the way you wanna play, ofc kiting and avoiding melee is a good method to win as a minstrel, but is it fun?

Eagle Knight
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IRC: 09.01.2013(15:16:36) Dotto: we zerg if other realm zerg in rvr, we never start zerg thats all!

Alerion Knight
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Koleriker wrote:A lot of people have fun plaing only if they win

What's the fun losing in melee all the time while kiting is a 100% win + the rage emotes of the tanks dieing without the slightest chance
Good times on my epic armor skald vs smoovy haha

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What skills do you use to keep tanks away from you? Arent they on cooldown after you used them?
Posts: 16
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Firanum wrote:What skills do you use to keep tanks away from you? Arent they on cooldown after you used them?

Stun, mez, LW+end pots+sprint, SoS, slash side style snare or thrust 44 snare 2nd in chain anytime. Some pets can disease/cast cc/style snares/stuns though I am not sure what pets are available in frontier here yet.

Gryphon Knight
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If you plan to play in a group, highlander will be your best choice. Because the only important stat for you is con
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Oct 21, 2016  In terms of scaling for endurance Corrosive / Slash is your ideal damage type. Most of the Index units seems to have armor so the Toxic bypassing shields doesn't work out very well and HP always scales higher than shields which when mixed with armor is going to give you Armor as your main health type to worry about. Jun 18, 2016  For group 50 inst / 44 thrust is the vay to go imo. I prefer it to be saracen. For solo you can't have weapon that high since you need stealth and slash has better styles/dmg if you are going with low weapon spec. So highlander+slash would be my choice but as I said the difference is really minimum. You should pick whatever you like. Crafted weapons can only ever have one special (PvP Res/Dmg, Thrust, Snare, Rapid, Pen) mod, but there is no guarantee that it will have a special mod at all. 0 carlosbfly Member Posts: 681 Arc User. Aug 23, 2010  slash would likely be faster for me to pve with 40-50 because trees are thrust resistant and slash weak. With a net dmg difference of about 20%, id be better off with slash even with the lower weaponskill. But i think i agree that thrust is likely to work out better in end game rvr.

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Learn all you need to know about the machinist job, including its actions, traits, combos, and job gauge. In the PvP section, you will find information about its PvP actions and adrenaline gauge. Ffxiv 5.0 mch dmg. MCH role is to help the party clear the fight, primarily by providing damage output, just like any other dps. Some dps buff others' dps slightly in exchange for doing slightly less themselves, but there never was any such thing as a 'support' role in any traditional sense of the word. Of all the things that are symbolic of the nation of Ishgard, few are more recognized than the dragoon. Born amidst the timeless conflict between men and dragons, these lance-wielding knights have developed an aerial style of combat, that they might better pierce the scaled hides of their mortal foes. Jun 28, 2015  If MCH was a true support it would have more then 2 skills to give the party buffs. MCH shouldn't be the one doing 600-700 in movement and 800+ in stand still situation which barely happens. So MCH needs a buff if anything BRD should be swapped to the lower end or MCH gets buffed to BRD's dmg.

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