1. Best Dmg Signature Wizard Of Legend 2017
  2. Wizard Of Legend Free Download
  3. Best Dmg Signature Wizard Of Legend Of Oz
Jun 5, 2018

May 15, 2019  Contingent99 is raising funds for Wizard of Legend on Kickstarter! A fast paced 2D dungeon crawler where you assume the role of a powerful wizard on their quest for fame and glory! Mar 26, 2017 You run fueled besserk with the earth basic while wearing rule robes. The most successful build I've played was wearing the green robes, air basic, fire dash, wind boomerang and the cyclone signature. I got to 4-3 before dying. It works best when you can get a shock assault early on to give you a buffer as your cooldowns recharge. For such a seemingly simple game, Wizard of Legend is as deeply involved and as hardcore as they come. There are tons of spells and accessories that you can acquire that have a nearly limitless combination and figuring out what works best. Although this is still up to personal taste, it can be difficult to achieve. Wizard of Legend is a fast paced dungeon crawler with rogue-like elements where you assume the role of a powerful wizard intent on becoming a Wizard of Legend. Every year in the Kingdom of Lanova, the Council of Magic holds the Chaos Trials, a gauntlet of magical challenges put forth by its strongest members, who mold the castle into a labyrinth full of hazards and enemies, with themselves as.

  • Here is a classic signature fireball that deals 50 damage on impact and 35 knockback.-Hopefully, this quick guide helped you choose the best arcana for your build in Wizard of Legend, and don't forget to come back soon for even more guides at GameSkinny!
  • May 29, 2018  Wizard of Legend is a roguelite game where you’re tasked with going through dungeon run after dungeon run, failing a few times, learning from.
This guide is there to help you clear the game without the Chaos Arcana (which makes it a lot easier).It also includes a list of relics and spells that will make it more efficient and make your life easier during the trials.

The Setup

  • Basic: Aqua Arc
  • Dash: Circuit Line
  • Standard: Bouncing Bubble
  • Signature: Rock n' Roll
  • Relic: Regenerative Inkwell
  • Outfit: Awe

I've managed to beat Sura consistently with this build almost every time, so I'm pretty confident with its efficiency.
If you manage to be constantly hitting at least 1 enemy, you can cast at least 1, and even 2 signature spells per fight, and 1 signature gives you 25HP with the inkwell.
For this build, a defensive outfit would seem more appropriate, but in my experience, a high crit chance is more preferable, especially considering all the synergies you can get with relics that benefit from a high crit. More power means shorter fights, and thus fewer occasions to get hit.
Now, why these spells? Because they're great at keeping enemies away from you, and most importantly, they get a lot of hits, which prevent the signature charge decay. You should never be in a position where you are not hitting an enemy.
This set of spells should make it easy for you, but you should also choose your 5th and 6th in order to make it even easier.
Lightning spells and agents in general are quite helpful in that regard.
When you have a signature ready, use it immediately so you can start charging it as soon as possible. Your signature is now your healing spell.
Save your money for relics and enhanced spells. Don't spend it on new spells unless you find a very good one (like an agent spell, or Fuelled Berserk).
Always clear the stages to 100%, as you'll need the money. Don't rush into fights, be careful when entering a new zone and stay mobile so you don't get cornered.

The Relics

These are the relics that you should take in priority, without a second thought

  • Anything that will heal you: Vampire's Eyeglasses, Regenerative Inkwell (which you should already have), Jewelry Box, Pathfinder's Knapsack.
  • Anything that will increase your max health or give you shield: Takeout box, Tea of Mercy, Giant's Heart, Super Carrot Cake, Ring of Recycling.
  • Anything that will increase your overall damage: Amulet of Sundering, Analytical Monocle, Dark Katana, Assassin's Blade, Sidewinder's Badge, Wanderer's Mechanism, Tapping Gloves, Sinister Ledger, Captain's Ring, Full House, Cartographer's Quill, Merchant's Cart.
  • Cushioned Flip-flops: Will make your signature harder to charge, but will also make you a LOT harder to hurt. This is an extremely effective defensive spell.
  • Surefire Rocket: Awesome synergy with the other signature-based relics. More signature means more healing.
  • Any Sprite.. If you can pick, take the freezing one in priority.
  • Leemo's Leaf: This will get you out of many bad situations. Useless if you already have the chaos dash, though.
  • Pop-up Primer: Definitely take it if you already have an agent spell. Don't bother otherwise.

The relics that you should take depending on how far you've made it in the trials

  • Relic Rewards Card: For obvious reasons. Ditch it when your inventory is full.
  • Thesis on Defense: Very useful if you find it at the beginning of the trials. Not worth the inventory space otherwise.
  • Fuzzy Handwarmers: Take it if you haven't already faced Frost Queen Freiya, and ditch it afterwards. Useless otherwise.
  • Super Sunscreen: Take it if you haven't already faced Flame Empress Zeal, and ditch it afterwards. Useless otherwise.
  • Gummy Vitamins: Take it if you haven't already faced Earth Lord Atlas, and ditch it afterwards. Useless otherwise.
  • Anything of Midas, unless you are near the end of the trials. You should ditch them for more useful items if you need room.
  • Raspberry Cookie Box: Very useful, unless you're near the end of the trial. Ditch it to make room for more useful items when your inventory is full.
  • Permafrost Cube / Phoenix Talon / Tesla Coil: Awesome during the trials, useless for boss fights. Ditch them at the end if you find more useful items.

There are many other good relics but keeps in mind that your inventory is limited. Those are not the only ones you should take. They're the ones that you should take in priority.
About cursed relics

  • Volatile Gemstone: This will litterally turn your signature into a healing machine-gun. Take it without a second though, ESPECIALLY if you have the Surefire Rocket.
  • Anchor of Burden: Take it if you don't already have more than 1 cursed relic and are not planning on taking any more. The speed reduction is barely noticeable, but the gain in power definitely is.
  • Golden Armor/Saber of Envy and Armor of Greed: Only take it near the end of the trial, when your item list is almost already full. Very efficient, but don't plan on buying anything else afterwards.
  • Alchemist's Stone: If you already have unlocked everything, you should definitely take it. Gems become pretty much useless after that, since you'll never spend more than 20 between each playthrough.
  • Silver Spinning Top: Only take it if you have the Cushioned Flip-flops, the Sidewinder's Badge and an enhanced basic (or the chaos one). Will make you very slow, but will also make you nearly invincible. That being said, you need to be very confident in you dashing abilities, as it becomes your only way to move. Might not be a good idea otherwise.
  • Tiny Crocodile Heart: Only worth it if it appear in the first world. Reduces your max to 250HP, but you should be able to raise it to the 750HP cap by the end of the trial. Otherwise, you might not be able to get back your 500HP before meeting Sura.
  • Paronomasicon: Take it if you're near the end of the trial, or if you're VERY confident in your skills..
  • Overpriced Insurance: Totally worth it near the end of the trial if your inventory is not already full, not so much otherwise.

Don't get the others. They're just not worth it in my experience, and will make you fight against Sura a lot harder.

The Arcana

You should prioritize buying relics over arcana most of the time. That being said, enhancing your basic and standard spells should also be a priority.
Those are the spells you should buy if you find them in the arcana shop, and if you have some money left after buying relics from the relic shop.
They're not the only good spells, but they're the only ones on which you should spend your money.

  • Mach Stunner: Doesn't deal a lot of damage, but has a wide area of effet and constantly hits enemies, preventing you from losing signature charge.
  • Whirling Wind Agent: Arguably the best agent spell in the game. Will harass your enemies and take the aggro for you.


  • Earth Stomp Agent: Very powerful agent, especially with the Pop-up Primer. Will take the aggro for you.
  • Earthen Aegis: Will protect you from pretty much anything that is not a spear. Just keep in mind that it doesn't make you invincible, even if it appears so.
  • Rippling Rupture: Almost as good as Mach Stunner. Very useful for keeping enemies at bay, especially in narrow spaces.


  • Dragon Arc: Great range, gets a lot of hits, and reloads very quickly. One of the best attack spells to combine with Bouncing Bubbles to keep your signature charging.
  • Fuelled Berserk: Makes your basic extremely powerful, and if you have the Cushionned Flip-flops, it also turns you into a nearly invincible tank. This allows you to rip through bosses, and makes short work of Taffy.
  • Rapid Fire Agent: Not the best agent, but still an agent, and you should definitely take it.


  • Magsphere: Just cast this and you'll never have to worry about ranged attacked any more.. That is, until it runs out. Arguably one of the best defense spells in the game.
  • Line Shock Agent: Not the best agent, but still an agent, and you should definitely take it.
  • Spark Array: The range of this thing is ridiculous. No matter the size of the room, it will hit and shock whoever's in it.


  • Snowflake Chakrams: Will hit pretty much anything around you and lasts for a long time. It has so much range you can even use it for attack. One of the best defensive spells in the game.
  • Water Pulse Agent: Not the best agent, but still an agent, and you should definitely take it.

Honorable Mentions

Buy these if you don't have anything better and nearly at the end of the trials.
  • Cardice Prime: Deals a lot of hits and keeps enemies from getting too close. Great both at protecting you and charging your signature spell, but lacking range and has a long cooldown.
  • Shock Assault: Powerful, deals a lot of hits to many enemies and makes you invincible while in use. But you'd better not miss or you'll use it for nothing. Also you'll take the risk of getting hit as soon as it ends.
  • Volt Pinball: Great protection spell but ends quickly and has a long cooldown. Will leave you naked after casting it if you have nothing to follow up with.
  • Aqua Beam: Great range, great power, great knockback, but only 2 uses and a very long cooldown. Still a good choice, but not worth spending money on.

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  • All Wizard of Legend Guides!

Feeling overwhelmed with the the massive list of arcana and relics you can find in Wizard of Legend?With the amount of potential magical builds you can come up with, you may find it difficult knowing where to get started.

With a wide variety of robes, relics, and arcana combinations at your disposal, you have to find the right build to fit your preferred playstyle. In this guide, we have collected a handful of builds you might find useful to try out during your next attempt to conquer the Chaos Trials.

Up Close and Personal

  • Robe: Grit
  • Basic: Earth Knuckles
  • Dash: Gust Burst
  • Standard: Seismic Entry or Blazing Onslaught
  • Signature: Flame Breath

This build was designed for those who relish being in the middle of every encounter. Right at the start of a fight, you can introduce yourself to your enemies with Seismic Entry or Blazing Onslaught. Both serve as great openers. After you've gotten their attention, use Gust Burst to target the nearest one, and start pummeling them with Earth Knuckles.

With the robe Grit equipped, you'll find yourself shrugging off more damage from enemies, despite being in the middle of all of them. Don't get too cocky. It only takes a few well-placed hits for enemies to take down your health, regardless of how much armor you're stacking.

Make use of your dash arcana to hunt down ranged targets who have kept their distance from you, and save your standard ability for the melee-based foes. If you feel like you're taking on too much pressure, use your Flame Breath to char your foes while still keeping them in range of your other arcana.

Your relic choices should focus on increasing your armor as much as possible. This means picking up Euphie's Shawl, Calcifying Bonemail, and Armor of Resolve to take with you. If you're confident you can pick up additional earth arcana during your run, then take Neve's Emerald to increase your health and armor, as well as lower stun and knockback timers. Neve's Emerald requires you to have seven earth arcana equipped to take effect, so make sure you're not wasting a relic spot!

Wind Demon

  • Robe: Pace or Tempo
  • Basic: Stone Shot or Ice Dagger
  • Dash: Gust Burst
  • Standard: Evading Zephyr or Scales of Babylon
  • Signature: Shock Assault

You'll be on your enemies before they even know you're in the room. Wait for enemies to spawn, and use Gust Burst to pull them closer to you. As they're falling forward, pull back a bit and open up a volley of Stone Shot. Take out a few of them before using Gust Burst to do it all over again. If you're using Scales of Babylon, hit enemies with this ability after using Gust Burst, and you'll think this ability doesn't come with a cooldown.

For those preferring Ice Dagger to Stone Shot, activate Evading Zephyr just before you jump into the fray to avoid incoming attacks. This will save you the trouble of having to constantly glance at your health while you're dashing all over the place.

Whenever you're feeling overwhelmed, fire off Shock Assault to quickly lower the health of multiple foes. However, remember you'll return to your starting position after the end of this ability. Don't use this when you're stuck in a corner!

You will want to equip the Autograph Pad relic to increase your movement if you find yourself not using your signature arcana often. Because you can use Gust Burst so often, have the defensive relic Spell Thief's Socks equipped to further raise your overall movement. To make your basic attacks even more devastating, equip the miscellaneous relic Combo Gloves.

The robes, Tempo and Pace, both complement this build. Those who use their abilities more often will want Tempo equipped. If you're running around, dodging enemy attacks and using your basic attacks more, then you'll feel more comfortable with Pace.


  • Robe: Awe or Shift
  • Basic: Ice Dagger or Spark Contact
  • Dash: Circuit Line or Searing Rush
  • Standard: Bouncing Surge
  • Signature: Tracer Barrage

Keep the pressure on your enemies -- and when you hit them, you hit them hard. Dive into the room using your dash arcana, and move away from the enemies. The further away you go, the more likely you'll find enemies clustering together to try and trap you. Diabol 3 percent dmg or socket. As this happens, fire out Bouncing Surge, and use their numbers to your advantage. Get closer and rely on your basic attack to deplete their remaining health. If you find too many enemies in a room as your battle continues, or Bouncing Surge is still on cooldown, use Tracer Barrage to give you some space.

To properly optimize your chance of doing damage, you're going to lean more heavily on relics that increase your chances of landing a critical. The most obvious relic for you to choose is Analytical Monocle, which increases your overall critical chance. If you feel comfortable with effectively dodging your foe's strikes, go with Covert Ops Mask. And if you want to focus solely on using your melee basic arcana, equip the Dark Katana to triple its critical hit chance.

Regardless of what your offensive relic is, you want to equip Vampire's Eyeglasses. This item heals you for every critical hit you successfully land. If you want to spam your signature arcana, equip Albert's Formula so you can receive more charges every time you heal. Complement every part of this build!

Choking Hazard

Best Dmg Signature Wizard Of Legend 2017

  • Robe: Tempo
  • Basic: Player's Choice
  • Dash: Toxic Trap
  • Standard: Toxic Bolas
  • Signature: Exploding Fireball or Whirling Tornado

Stay on the move with Toxic Trap dash, and you'll leave a deadly trail of poison for your enemies to step in. This DoT damage should serve as a great opener as your enemies spawn. When they start to focus on you, hit them with the Toxic Bolas arcana. If you find any of them still standing, finish them off with Exploding Fireball. If you prefer dashing straight through your enemies, switch out Exploding Fireball for Whirling Tornado, and you'll stun lock your foes in the trails of poison you left behind.

Because you're going to rely on your dash and standard in every fight, you definitely want to have the Tempo robe equipped. Top off this build with your preferred basic, and you're ready to enter the fray.

Grab any one of these relics to complement your new build:

  • Mercury's Sandals for increased movement speed
  • Hunter's Stiletto to do additional damage to enemies with a status effect
  • Noxious Mushroom to potentially poison your enemies
  • Greased Boots to increase the distance of your dash
  • Leemo's Leaf to evade all attacks while dashing

Wizard Of Legend Free Download


At the end of the day, Wizard of Legend features over 178 relics and 128 arcana for you to equip. Needless to say, there's a lot of combinations for you to try. Some of them may work for you, and others will get you sent back to the starting area without ever having encountered a boss.

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And that's okay! This game is all about finding a magical playstyle for you. There's no 'correct' way to play this game. Take your time during each run to discover what arcana suit you like the most to dispatch your enemies. It doesn't even have to fit under a specific category. Make something up and have a blast!

Best Dmg Signature Wizard Of Legend Of Oz

If you have a preferred build, we'd love to hear about it! Share it in the comments below and compare with other Wizard of Legend fans here on GameSkinny.