Jun 01, 2013  What, if anything, is wand physical damage good for? I've noticed a lot of wand physical damage nodes around the witch area, am I wrong in assuming they're only good for wand auto attacks? If not, what else does wand physical damage effect? And even a Phy dmg wander normaly do's as much if not more elemental dmg if you go full Wand passives. Physical damage is reduced by armor, while magical damage is reduced by magic resistance. Mac dmg download. Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 175 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to. The bonus magic damage inflicted by Brittle is credited to Ornn. Ornn's Brittle knockback is not negated by blocking. Mastercraft items and their components are not the same item and so in theory any unnamed passives would stack and any unnamed actives would only put themselves on cooldown upon activated. Greetings, I apologize if this is a topic covered somewhere else, I couldn't find any information. I am interested in learning to tank, and several classes have the ability to specifically reduce magic damage. Is there a way of knowing when damage is magical vs. Something in the animations that indicates it? Or do I have to research enemies ahead of time to learn which attacks are.

Gold scar does 100 dmg headshot free 100 Health target now only dies to 3 bullets by a Scar (epic/legendary) so the blue assault rifle took a big nerf. 75 Health targets now always need 3 bullets (no matter which rifle) maximum Headshot damage is 72 with legendary scar, so u can't get one-shotted at 75 health. Only the Scar can kill someone with Headshot + Bodyshot on 100 Health.

I'm talking about the Spell Damage and Elemental Damage nodes at the start. Do they affect traps such as fire trap or mines such as freezing mine?
Posted by
on Aug 17, 2014, 6:08:54 PM
Anyone? Trying to make sense of the top starting path for the shadow. Thanks.
Posted by
on Aug 18, 2014, 6:21:37 PM
Yes. Here's what you do: find the keywords by either looking at the gem ingame or checking out the wiki. For Fire Trap, the keywords are Fire, Trap, Spell, Duration, and AoE. Any nodes with the same keywords will affect the gem. Fire damage is elemental damage, so elemental nodes will also affect your Fire Trap damage.
Dreamfeather Elemental Cleave Ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1087616
Posted by
on Aug 18, 2014, 6:28:16 PM
Yes. Here's what you do: find the keywords by either looking at the gem ingame or checking out the wiki. For Fire Trap, the keywords are Fire, Trap, Spell, Duration, and AoE. Any nodes with the same keywords will affect the gem. Fire damage is elemental damage, so elemental nodes will also affect your Fire Trap damage.

OK, that's what I thought. But someone in-game told me that it would not affect traps.
Posted by
on Aug 19, 2014, 2:55:29 AM
The only non-spell trap is Bear Trap. It'll get bonuses from the +physical nodes in the shadow area, but not any +spell or +elemental bonuses.
Posted by
on Aug 19, 2014, 8:54:58 PM
The only non-spell trap is Bear Trap. It'll get bonuses from the +physical nodes in the shadow area, but not any +spell or +elemental bonuses.

OK, thanks.
Posted by
on Aug 20, 2014, 5:55:34 PM

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Does Orn Do Physical Or Magic Dmg
So i just wana share what ive seen so far with the magic dmg VS physcial.. i play a Vet 1 sorc. the highest damage ive seen my self do so far is about 3-3.5k my champion points from my Vet 12 DK is all spent of my Sorc, i have all my in Traumatage Inc my magic dmg with 8+% im in full light armor with spell damage traits. and when i then see the death cap from say a lvl 17 with a bow ive been hit for 9k as standart. so things are right now Magic and physcial dmg is not even on the same planet.

The problem is you are wearing all LIGHT armor witch only absorbs about 1/4 the damage that heavy armor does against weapon damage attacks.
Now medium armor much more vulnerable to magic damage, you should hit people wearing medium armor much harder than people wearing light or heavy.

Does Orn Do Physical Or Magic Dmg Lyrics

The level 17 is not a level 17 but an alliance rank 17 which means he probably is V14 and has alot of Champion points for more damage.

Does Orn Do Physical Or Magic Dmg 2

Does Orn Do Physical Or Magic Dmg Download

As a medium armor Bow NB i can say that sometimes i can sneak attack for 10k -12k damage but certain spells are also hitting me fore the same. Radiuant destruction has down 18k damage to me and Shooting Star has done 15K