However, the issue isn't that someone posted it, it's that they my issue is that it's uncalled for. Tbc dmg meters that work download. See, I disagree. I think what pisses people off is the realization that they aren't doing their job very well (assuming their role is dps).

  1. More Difficult Magic Item Identification Dmg List
  2. Magic Item Generator
  3. More Difficult Magic Item Identification Dmg Download

Aug 27, 2014 In fact, I'm hoping that alternative rules for magic item identification will be presented in the DMG. That's an excellent place for them. And even if you use the magic item rules that are in-place in the current PHB/Basic rules, a DMG can always rule that a particular item resists identification in this way. Jun 12, 2018 VARIANT: MORE DIFFICULT IDENTIFICATION If you prefer magic items to have have a greater mystique consider removing the ability to identify the properties of a magic item during a short rest, and require the identify spell, experimentation, or both to reveal what a magic item does. So there you go on the one hand the “a character can focus. Spoilers C2E8 Is Matt using the More Difficult Identification variant rules for magic items? Question spoiler I'm still catching up to the most recent episodes, but I found it odd how the party spent so much gold just so Caleb could use an Identify spell to identify their magic items.

One of the things I vaguely object to in D&D is the 'commoditization' of magic items. I've always preferred the Earthdawn approach, where most items are unique, with their own story and abilities. What are some ways that I can make items more special and less of a 'you beat the guy, you got a +1 longsword, so what's for lunch?'

Variant: more difficult identification. If you prefer magic items to have a greater mystique, consider removing the ability to identify the properties of a magic item during a short rest, and require the identify spell, experimentation, or both to reveal what a magic item does. Oct 07, 2011  Harder, or rather more.exciting. magic item identification would help the balance some more wonder into the mechanics of magic items. That is, all you have to do now is fit in the already dull, very mechanical, but expected short rest. Magic Item Creation Back to home. Creating a magic item for D&D/d20 in many ways is similar to creating a spell, if only because most magic items are based on existing spells. The fine-tuning of an item's price is the main issue for balancing an item. Magic items made from the same spells can have greatly different effects. Oct 27, 2014  So during the hour a wizard can cast identify 6 times, vs the one item identified by a non caster. Also the short rest discovers the properties of magic items, I doubt it will uncover any cursed items. We will know more when the DMG comes out in December.

A couple of strategies I've tried, with varying degrees of success:
  • Give items minor secondary abilities (such as from this:
  • Use the 'More Difficult Identification' variant in the DMG
But I'm looking for other ideas. Give me your ideas!

Are you unhappy with the ability to identify magic items during a short rest in 5e #dnd? You're in luck!

On that very same page (DMG pg. 136), right after the section on identifying magic items, there's a variant rule titled 'More Difficult Identification.' #WotCStaff

— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) October 25, 2019

More Difficult Magic Item Identification Dmg List

What would you think of making the difficulty related to rarity? I think that can be a factor but shouldn't be the only one if you're going to introduce ability checks or the like.

— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) October 25, 2019 Dmg file for mac os x 10.4.11.

More generally: “Are you unhappy with the [INSERT RULE] in 5e #dnd?”
You’re in luck!
IT’S D&D DO WHATEVER THE F&@K ELSE YOU WANT! Make it a class ability of Warlocks (and wizards are *so mad* about it)! Make it require playing a game show with extraplanar beings! Sure, but that's less specifically helpful to the gripes I've been seeing lately. 🙂

— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) October 25, 2019

Magic Item Generator

Ah the old way –

More Difficult Magic Item Identification Dmg Download

“Finally got an Identify spell – casting on that dagger we found 6 months of real time ago”

DM – “Was that in the Slave Pits, the Stockade, the Dungeons, or the Aerie? Hold on, let me go searching the archives…”Right? Making notes on where you found an item for later identification. Ugh. Hard pass.

— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) October 25, 2019

Oh, nobody made a wizard. Well. Uh… I'll just remember the bonus to hit and damage on that crossbow you found and be sure to add that in myself every time you attack something.

— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) October 25, 2019

That's why you gotta give it memorable quirks. 'Was that the obsidian dagger?' 'No, no, it's the one that, when I stab someone with it, they can't speak but the dagger screams really loudly.'

— Alex Clippinger (@Aclippinger) October 25, 2019

I'm definitely a fan of using the minor quirks and properties tables. (DMG pg 142-143)! #dnd

— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) October 25, 2019

I love that, but my only problem with it is, when you use it for all the important items in the game, you start repeating traits quickly. I would love an expanded table (and maybe some culturally specific options, like Netherese, Imaskari, or Shoon quirks). Definitely room for expansion, and even just as inspiration these are a great jumping off point.

— Dan Dillon 👥 (@Dan_Dillon_1) October 25, 2019